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Yusrah's past.

Packing all the plates and spoons all together,Yusrah called out for Zarah to come and take it to the parlor,personally she loves cooking food but what she like the most is the appreciation she gets from her family.

She likes the way all of them keep hyping her cooking skills and it makes her do better everyday.

She walked to the parlor and served the golden yam to everyone then pour tea for them "So Yusrah,today no school you are just resting." Her father started a conversation smiling "Yes." She replied smiling at him.

"We really do need rest from all those tiring lectures." She sigh as she adjusted herself on the chair munching on her yam "But how do you find your lecturers?" Her father asked.

"They are so annoying,always giving a test after class,always giving assignment but the important thing is that they try,they try to make us understand well." She shrugged her shoulder and he father nodded his head smiling.

"What about guys? Do they follow you?" Usman asked which made Yusrah choke on her food,she coughed hard and Kabir passes her a cup of water dropping a sorry her way before going back to the couch he was sitting on.

Letting out a laugh her father smiled as Usman "So overprotective huh." He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Answer us." Kabir enquired "You don't have to worry about that,guys don't follow me." She gave a tight lipped smile to them.

They continued chit chatting till they finished their breakfast,all of them proceeded to their rooms to bath then rest.

After that Yusrah carried her phone and got to work,which is chatting.Her mother gave her the phone back after one dreadful week.

She had to keep apologizing to her everyday,she even served different kind of punishments.So much for having a very strict mother.

A call came through her phone and it was Quraish "Yusi,you are coming to my home birthday party right?" She asked.

"Am not sure,my parents won't allow me since it is in the night." Yusrah stated "You need to come,our click will be incomplete without you." She whined.

"Quraish,am so sorry."

"Please please come." She pleaded.

"I will see what I can do."

"Yay,okay bye see you." And she hanged up the call.

Quraish's birthday is today and she is going to celebrate it at home,her parents are not around and she is left all alone so she wants to have a home party with the click only.

Yusrah really wants to go to that party,she doesn't want to miss out on anything,all the plannings were done with her and it is sure gonna be an amazing night for them.

She have looked for 100 ways to go but none will work,her father will never allow her to spend the night at a friend's house no matter what the situation is.Especially now that she is staying for a party,he will definitely kill her if he hears this,but then she wants to enjoy herself too.

"What should I do?" She asked her self closing her face with her palms in exasperation.

An idea suddenly clicked into her brain,even if she doesn't get to attend the party,at least she can go to their house and wish her a happy birthday,it will surly make Quraish happy.

All she have to do now is come up with a good lie,which will make her father let her go without making a fuss over it.

She walked out of the room and went to her father's parlor,after greeting him she got to business "Baba,we are going to have a group discussion with my friends,we were given a presentation which is supposed to be submitted on Monday.So a friend volunteered that we do it in her house." She stopped to catch her breath,she feels like a thief,any small mistake she will be caught "Can I go?"

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