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Yusuf's Present.

Yusuf maintained his stoic face as he walked back to his room with Iman trailing behind him,she have been begging him for forgiveness but he wasn't ready for it.He needed time.Iman doesn't understand.

"Ya Yusuf am so sorry." She pleaded and he let out a breath "Iman, I want to be alone."

"I have always understood you, I have always listened to you when you need a listener,I have always consoled you," She sobbed "I have always stayed by your side, I have always supported each and every decision of yours." She wiped her tears.

"But Ya Yusuf,have you ever looked at things from my own point of view?" Yusuf felt like he was being slapped,the question hit him hard.

"I am not trying to emotionally blackmail you,but Ya Yusuf, I also have my own problem,am also worried about all the things happening in this house.Whenever I see you,I feel so useless that I can't do anything to reduce the pain you feel,whenever I see mama, I see a broken woman who is trying to be strong for us.The pain is weighing me down also, I needed an escape."

"Baba never give me enough money,at that time you were not working.Who should I ask for money? Mama is also managing herself,I didn't want to burden both of you,you have enough on your shoulders already.That is why I joined that place and started working there, I was also able to forget some of my problems because of the busy place.Ya Yusuf, I know that I hid it from you but believe me I didn't intend to hurt you or make you feel like you are not doing enough."

"I know,the both of us lost our childhood because of this pain, I know that we are still trying to be strong.But for how long? If we keep on following those rules then we would never be happy.Ya Yusuf I want to be happy." She held his hand.

"I just have this urge to be happy,even if it is just once." Yusuf couldn't hold himself back anymore,he couldn't act like a tough brother,he hugged Iman tightly.

"We will be happy Iman." He stated and she nod her head "I am so sorry Iman, I only cares about myself all this while. I didn't think about you.I am so angry that you hid that you are working from me but it is fine,as long as this work makes you happy then you should do it.

"We just have to tell mama about it." He smiled patting her head.

"I got fired."

She mouthed and broke into tears "They fired me because I left my work halfway the other day,but it is fine Ya Yusuf, I am fine and I can manage." She managed to muster up a fake smile and Yusuf heart kept breaking into pieces yet again.

Nothing is going to be fine.


Absolutely nothing.

"I am sorry." He mouthed and she shoved it off with a chuckle "What matters is,you have forgiven me." She smiled.

"I will make it up to you Iman." He stated as tears swell up in his eyes.

His sister.

His sister Iman.

She went through a lot,so much pain.

"I know you will." She replied squeezing his hand gently.

"Get some rest." She said and walked out of the room,Yusuf let out a sigh as he lied down on his bed.

Sometimes,you forget that other people have feelings too,you forget that they are also going through a hard time.All you see is yours.

Life just doesn't get easier.

For everyone!

Yusuf got some sleep since it was weekend,he woke up,prayed zuhr and walked to his mother's room.

He saw her sitting on the bed looking at a tailoring machine from her phone.

"You want to order it?" She flinched at his voice at first but she loosened up "I don't know." She replied look utterly confused.

"I want to follow my passion,tailoring have been a long lost passion for me but I don't know if I should take this step.I don't know if I am ready for this step Yusuf." For the first time,Yusuf saw determination,fear and confusion all together in her eyes "Mama....." He voiced out.

"Mama do what you want." He stated,he could feel his emotions getting to him,he want to cry happily,for the first time his mother is taking a step in her life,even though she is currently confused bit at least she thought about herself.

"Follow your passion mama,me and Iman will be so proud of you." He stated trying to watch his words.

"I am not being selfish right?" She asked "Their's nothing selfish in this mama,for the first time you have thought about yourself.It is always about Yusuf and Iman or baba,it is never about you.Mama you don't know how happy I am that finally you are letting yourself free,you are coming out from the cage you have put yourself all those years.Finally you are doing something for yourself." She hugged him tightly.

"Do you think your father will let me take this step?" She asked her voice shaking "He have to.You have never stopped him from doing the things he like,he cannot stop you from choosing yourself."

"You will buy this machine and use it,inside this house." He smiled "You will make all those styles I have seen you sketch inside your book." Her eyes went wide "You have seen them?" She asked.

Yusuf laughed at her wide eyes.She seemed like a child caught doing something wrong.

"Yes mama,I have seen them,all of them.And I have to say,you have got the talent from God." He stated and she chuckled "They are just rough sketches."

"Make them come to life,sew those styles mama." She nodded her head.

"I will." She was determined and it made Yusuf proud.

"I will follow my dream,I will do whatever I want,I won't let your father ever stop me from fulfilling my dreams ever again. I won't let him treat me like a doll,am a human being, I have feelings and I know my worth.

"I will raise my voice when he do something wrong and I will always say my opinion.I will make sure I bring you two out of the darkness you have been put into."

"We will all be happy."

"I am not scared anymore Yusuf, I am stronger that I have ever been!"

"I will bring a stop to your father's nonsense."

Yusuf let tears roll down from his eyes as he hugged her from behind.

With happiness blooming in his soul,he smiled widely and looked at his mother with love.

"The long awaited day has come."

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