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Yusrah's Present.

"I remember when I knowingly tripped on the stairs trying to abort Yazeed." She laughed looking at Iman who was throwing potato chips into her mouth "Yes,that is the main reason why everyone knew that you are pregnant because the doctor was like "Thank God,the baby is safe." Everyone just got the hint." Iman stated laughing.

Yusrah nodded her head smiling "I tried soaking him into hot bathing water too." She stated "Had it been he died,I would have never forgiven myself." She shook her head in regret and Zarah just smiled letting the topic slide,Zarah looked at the clock as she stood up "Let's get going." She stated and Yusrah nodded her head.Yazeed was with the guys doing what God knows as they stepped outside.

They greeted their parents and they answered while they bid them adieu and stepped out "I am not the only one who realized that,mama and baba are being soft to you these days." Zarah stated smiling "I noticed it too." She shrugged knowing that,it is definitely not forgiveness "Nigerian parents are quite un predictable,they just start being nicer to you instead of apologizing." Zarah hinted as she opened the car.

"You mean,they have forgiven me?" Yusrah asked "Seems like it."

"They bought a bicycle for Yazeed the other day,mama fed him when we were not around yesterday,we saw him sleeping on baba's lap day before yesterday." She kept quite to remember the rest and Yusrah process the little information she received "This means———,"

"They are showing you hints,seems like they are tired of acting all tough." Zarah laughed and Yusrah smiled happily "I cannot even believe it!" Yusrah stated as tears well up in her eyes.One thing that Zahra noticed about her sister is that;She cries over everything,she cry when she is happy,when she is sad.She is soft.

Very soft.

Zahra softly caress her cheeks wiping her tears smiling "It is a happy occasion,no tears." She warned and Yusrah calmly nod her head with a smile escaping from her lips.

Yazeed ran to them and smiled widely at them "I want to follow you,please please." He pleaded and Yusrah shook her head sternly "No,you are staying at home." She finalized and he pout cutely.

Zarah smiled at the mother-son duo with a smile on her lips as she decided to jump in "I am sure,the class members will be happy to meet our cutie again." She said pinching his cheeks "Let's go with him,please." Zarah also pleaded putting up a puppy face and Yusrah just had to give in "Okay!" She exclaimed.

Yazeed and Zahra high fived each other then made crazy dance moves before hopping on the car,Yusrah just gave them an amused smile as she also hopped on.

They reached and hopped off,Zahra held Yazeed's hand as they walked to the class.Immediately after reaching,the whole class excitedly scurried to Yazeed and he gave them shy smile.

"I am so happy that you bought Yazeed with you today.Our cutie pie." Khadija stated as she kissed his cheek while Yusrah smiled at her.

A mother's greatest jewel is her child,if you love her child then she will love you back.A mother's happiness lies with her child's own.Yusrah smiled as she watched Yazeed happily taking all the love from people around him.

"Uncle Yusuf!" Yazeed shouted as he ran to Yusuf who spread his arms squatting down to hug Yazeed and carry him "Good morning,Yazeed." Yusuf's excited voice boomed as Yazeed chuckled at him.

Everything was going fine,Yazeed sat down close to her and the class was going on.Yazeed was also doing fine as he watched around the class quietly.

Everything was fine.It really was.

But then,Yazeed just slump on her,Yusrah eyed hum warily "Such a sleepyhead." She whispered to herself as she tried to wake him up,because the position he is lying on is uncomfortable.

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