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Yusrah stared at the message intently.

Meet me at Mr Biggs at 4:00pm, if you want to know what your husband is hiding from you.

She thought of showing the message to Yusuf after coming out of her room but she decided against it.The both of them don't sleep in the same room,their relationship is growing but they are not ready to share the same room.After all,the only thing between them is friendship.Even though Yusuf is clingy and others mistake it for love but she knows that it is just friendship.

Stop lying.

She heard her conscience  snap at her.

She pushed all that away as she looked at the message again "What are you looking at?" She heard Yusuf's voice from behind and she immediately hid the phone "What will I hide?" She questioned nervously laughing "I never said you are hiding something.You just looked lost." He stated shrugging his shoulders.

She shook her head as she wet her dry lips with her tongue "It is nothing." She replied as her eyes darted to Yazeed who was holding his father's hand.

They all walked down the stairs silently.The house is big.Very big and also very beautiful.

She decided to go and see who the person is and the reason why the person keeps claiming that he knows something she doesn't know about Yusuf.

"Um, I want to go somewhere today." She broke the ice to Yusuf "As long as you will take us along.Right champ?"

Yazeed smiled cutely "Yes,Baba." He replied and Yusrah shook her head "I won't take anyone along,I will go alone." She stated sticking out her tongue.

"Where are you going to? I can drop you."

Yusrah shook her head quickly "Um it is a secret.Don't worry I will just climb a rickshaw." She stated with her heart thumping loudly.

She is lying to Yusuf for the first time and she feel so bad about it.She will tell him everything after coming back.

Yusuf stared at her intently with a frown "You look tensed Yusrah.Are you okay?" He questioned and she nodded her head forcing a smile "I am totally fine!" She exclaimed and he shook his head.

"You don't seem fine." He stated holding her hand,he inched closer to her as her put his hands around her waist then his head on her shoulders "Tell me what is wrong." He stated looking up and staring into her eyes.

Yusrah gulped looking into his eyes,she felt like telling him everything and showing him all the messages.His eyes showed genuine and sincere care for her.

She felt like pouring her whole heart to him but she decided against it "I am fine.I am so happy that I have you in my life." She stated shoving his head way from her shoulder as she kept her head on his,she couldn't continue looking into his eyes or else she will tell him everything.

She closed her eyes tightly as she kept her face on his shoulder,the scent of his perfume hitting her nostrils.

They sat there quitely,Yusuf was not settled with her actions,she have been acting somehow for the past few days.She seems to always blank out.

He stared at her beautiful face on his shoulder,her eyes were tightly closed and she looked at peace,he sigh as he kissed the side of her face "You will be fine,habibty."

Yusrah felt tears sting on her eyes after hearing his words,but she held it back.

After two hours,Yusrah got ready in her army green long hijab and stepped out.

Her heart was beating fast as she reached the place,she stepped in and walked to find a table.She felt a hand hold her from moving and she let her lips open wide,her eyes opened up as she turned around.

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