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Yusuf's Present.


Yusuf closed his eyes and rubbed his head anxiously,he glanced at his mother who was shaking with fear "I knew that it was a bad idea.Yusuf,your father is so angry right now." She stated holding his hand anxiously "Mama.." He trailed off.

"You said you won't be scared of him anymore,remember?" He stated calmly "Block his voice away,forget about his anger and rage."

"Remember how selfish he is,remember how passionate you are about this." He watched each and everyone word of his making sure he didn't stumble on his words,he wanted to ease his mother "Don't give up now mama.We have come this far." He assured and she nodded her head.

"The machine in front of you,is the same machine you have longed for a long time ago.This design that you have started on this beautiful lace,is the design you have sketched for a long time.Don't give up mama,we have come this far." He stated and he saw her calm down,she breathed in and out as she nod her head.

"We have come this far," She stated looking at the machine in front of her which had a lace she started sewing and also her sketch book "I won't give up now." She finalized and Yusuf smiled hugging her as tears roll down from his eyes.

His mother bought the sewing machine with great difficulty,she is still scared of the consequences.He bought a lace for Iman and he gave it to his mother to sew it for her.

"The latest seamstress in town,do the honor of sewing this lace for your lovely daughter!" That was what he said to her that day.His mother had a surprise expression on her face but she was happy.She was happy that she will start following her dream.

She is coming out of the hole she put herself into,he won't let her go back just because of his father.He will hold her hand,caress her hand and be with her in each and every moment of her progress.

He will make sure that his father doesn't ruin his mother's life again.

He heard his father's voice getting closer and his mother stiffened "You can do it mama." He stated looking into her eyes that were filled with tears,he wiped the tears and kissed her cheek which made her smile.

She nervously sat down and carried the lace she was working on as she got to work.

His father busted into the room angrily "So it is true?" He asked looking at her as she work on the machine "What is true?" She questioned still working.

Proud of you mama!

Yusuf let a smile caress his lips hearing her reply "The fact that you are shamelessly sewing in front of me in baffling," His father stated totally stunned "Sewing is not harm,is it?" She directed her question to Yusuf and he fought to urge to run and hug her "It is not." He answered her question shrugging.

"My wife sewing?" His father questioned laughing fakely "Impossible!"

"That is what I want to do, I will be a tailor inside this house and nobody can stop me." She stated looking right into his eyes.

"Not even you!" She pointed out with fire blazing in her eyes.

His father stood there totally shocked and Yusuf fought the urge to laugh,she majestically continued working on the lace even though distress was visibly written all over her face and body language but she held on herself quite well.

His father laughed evilly as he strode to his mother and harshly held her hand "How dare you disobey me!!" He shouted and raised his hand to slap her and Yusuf strode forward.

"That was then," She stated and held his hand "You cannot lay your hands on me now." She dared to say looking into his eyes.

"Listen to me. I will do what I want,the time I want and you cannot stop me. I won't be stopped." She shook her head with determination all over her eyes "You have always had your ways,it is my time.I won't do what you want anymore, I will do what I want."

"Jamila,you are playing with fire!" He stated proudly "I can ruin everything in a minute," He smirked "I can take away your son's job,stop your daughter from going to school and also ruin this stupid machine.Never forget my power."

Yusuf saw the way his mother shook with fear at that,the only thing that his father uses as a weapon is "Threatening".He won't let him win this time around.

"It is an open challenge Baba.Let's see who suffers." Yusuf intruded after realizing that his mother is too scared to talk "Your lame threats won't work this time,mama will do what she wants and you cannot stop her." Yusuf stated with venom dripping in each and every word of his.

"Let's see how she get customers." He laughed with his eyes filled with pure hatred.Yusuf struggled to give a fake smile trying to give him a befitting answer but his mother chirped in "Let's see."

"You are fire,ready to burn me down,and I am water ready to quench the fire in you down." She smiled widely at her husband who hissed and stomped out of the room.

His mother let out a huge breath as she sat down trying to recollect her thoughts,Yusuf waited for her to raise up her head for nearly five minutes but her head was still ducked down.

Her sobs reached his ears and he worriedly walked to her "Mama?" He called and she looked up at him smiling widely.

The kind of smile a child does after getting his favorite chocolate,the kind of smile a person does after achieving what he always wanted.

Her smile grew wider as tears slipped down her eyes.

"I can't believe that I did it!"

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