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Yusuf's Present.

Yusuf gave a tight lipped smile to Yusrah which she gave back to him,she poured the tea from the flask and pass him the cup while she sat down.

Yazeed chewed his nails looking at his mother before he decided to voice out what was twirling in his pretty small head "Ummi,I want to have my breakfast in the parlor please." He begged and Yusrah shook her head "No,you will make the parlor disheveled." She stated and Yazeed turned to his father.

"Baba,please." He begged and Yusuf couldn't say no "What are you going to do in the parlor?" Yusuf questioned "My favorite cartoon have just started,I want to watch it."

Yusuf stared at Yusrah who was still not agreeing "Let him go,please.." Yusuf begged and Yazeed smiled widely.

Yusrah nodded her head "Don't spoil my parlor." She warned and Yazeed nod his head and ran "Thank you for helping me,Baba!"

"Always welcome,champ!" He stated laughing.

Yusrah just chuckled as she followed him with the breakfast.

She came back and sat down,it was awkward.With every passing minute the awkwardness was increasing.

"Um,are we going to stay quite?!" Yusuf asked laughing to lessen the thick air of the atmosphere circling around them,Yusrah just shook her head faking a smile "We will,as long as you don't bring a topic of discussion." She stated and he smiled.

He put his hand on top of hers and she stiffened which made him sigh.

"Yusrah." He called "Yes." She answered.

"Look into my eyes." He stated and she shook her head,she couldn't look into his eyes.

"I can't." She whispered as she hang her head low "I am sorry.Yesterday, I only added more to your pain."

"I should have consoled you,but I only cared about myself.J am so sorry Yusuf." She apologized as tears started streaming down.Yusuf shook his head as he carried his fork and choke some Irish on them then aim them to her mouth.

"You are such a cry baby.Have some irish." He stated laughing as he wipe her tears with his other hand,she opened her mouth and gulped down the irish pouting a little out of habit.

"Every normal person would have done what you did."

Yusuf stared at her smiling as she sipped her tea "You are not the third party,if their is a third party then it is Warisha." He stated her name with so much venom and disgust that Yusrah visibly shuddered.

"I have loved her,because I thought she was innocent.After finding the real her,I cannot even bring myself to love her,her whole being disgust me.She is the reason behind my pain.I hate her! I hate that I loved her! I hate the part of me that loved her! I hate every single thing about her!"

Yusrah could see the anger blazing in his eyes and her heart burned.She can never relate to the pain he felt,the pain of betrayal.A very big betrayal.

Being betrayed by a person you love,have got to be the most painful thing on earth.

"I wonder how she sleeps at night,knowing that someone's life has turned more miserable just because of her greed and selfishness." He stated as he shook his head "Warisha is the worst woman that ever ceased to exist in this world."

Yusrah stood up and stood behind him,she put her hand on his shoulder which he held tightly "Don't leave me Yusrah.Stay with me." He whispered and she knows that he is crying.Yusuf felt the pain in his heart increasing.Warisha told Yusrah to make her leave him and he doesn't want that.

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