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Yusuf's Present.

Yusuf looked at the building as he mentally prepared himself for what he is about to do next.

He walked inside the building and smiled at the guy who was on duty "What would you like to order sir?" The guy questioned with a smile on his face "Um, I would like to meet your boss." Yusuf stated and the guy smiled at him.

"I will just tell him about your visit,you can sit down." The guy politely urged him as he vanished into the manager's office,he came back after a few minutes and smiled at Yusuf "You can go in."

Yusuf smiled gratefully at the guy as he murmured a quick "Thank you" before he stood up on his feet and walked into the office.

The young man looked up at him and smiled "Have a seat please." He stated and Yusuf sat down.

They exchanged pleasantries and Yusuf decided to get to the main point "I am Yusuf Abdul-aziz the brother of Iman Abdul-aziz.My sister worked here for a while but she got fired." The man nodded his head in recognition.

"She is such a punctual worker and she also works hard.But what she did the other day was so wrong,she neglected her responsibilities and left without any explanation.She was the only worker at that moment,it is usually two workers but the other worker did her duty the other day as she had a test at school,so she was also covering up for that worker." Yusuf nodded his head in understanding.

"She left,which means their is no staff at all to serve the customers.Customers were left all alone and they all started complaining." The man explained calmly "This place is new and upcoming,we have customers increasing everyday due to our efficient services.Our marketing really went down due to what happened."

"My father who is the owner of this place got really angry and asked me to fire Iman."

Yusuf totally understood the situation "I was the one who took Iman along with me that day,it was really not her fault." Yusuf stated praying that Iman gets her job back. " I am so sorry Mr Yusuf,but I cannot do anything about this." The man apologized sincerely.

Yusuf let out a sigh "Iman hid the fact that she was working from us." He let out,knowing that maybe this truth can help Iman regain her job.The man looked at Yusuf in utter surprise and disbelieve "We have personal problems at home.Iman needed an escape from all of it she she applied for a job.She didn't tell us about it.All that doesn't matter now,what matters is that Iman is really happy about working here,she gets busy which diverts her mind from our problems and she also gets to clear her mind.She is happy." The man intently listened to him.

"I came here to buy shawarma for us the other and I saw Iman, I am sure you can imagine my surprise and emotions." Yusuf trailed off and the man nodded his head.

"I really want Iman to get her job back.I cannot help but feel like I am the reason why she lost her job."

Her only source of happiness.

"I can understand Mr Yusuf, I will talk to my father,I will get back to you with his reply." Yusuf nodded his head as he waited.

"I will go outside and make a phone call." The guy said as he walked out of the office.

"I just pray Iman gets her job back.This is the least I can do for her." He whispered to himself as he waited for the guy with anticipation.

The guy came back and sat down "Congratulations,Iman can officially start over tomorrow." He smiled widely at Yusuf.

Yusuf didn't know how to start thanking him,he shook his hand and signed on a paper.

"Thank you so much." Yusuf stated.

"I don't do things for free.I might probably ask for something back." He chuckled with humor dripping and Yusuf chuckled "Well,I might probably do whatever it is for you." He said trying to match his humor and they both laugh while Yusuf said his good bye.

He noticed his name eloquently on the table "Fahad Muhammad.Manager of Spicy treats."

Yusuf smiled as he went out happily,it was a feeling of euphoria which was enveloping him.For once,he have done something to Iman.He got her job back for her.

For once,he is being a brother figure to her.

He knows it himself,Iman have always been the one to take all his burdens and soothe him.She was always there for him.

Making her happy is a must for him!

He reached the house after 10 minutes and he happily walked inside with a smile hugely spread on his face.

"Iman!" He shouted and he got no reply.

"Iman!" He shouted again and he heard her muffled "Coming" from a distance,he saw her descending the stairs with worry lines all over her face "What is wrong Ya Yusuf? You have never shouted my name like this." She stated,breathing heavily due to her little running session.

Relief washed over her after seeing no sign of anger or worries on his face,he was in fact smiling widely at her.

"Come and sit down." He dragged her to the cushion "I am afraid you will fall down,after hearing this news." He stated elated.She have never seen him this elated in her whole life.

"Should I be scared?" She asked horrified looking at him and he laughed as he gave her the paper.

At first,she looked clueless then surprised then happiness came.The happiness Yusuf was waiting for.

She didn't waste a minute,she threw herself on him and hugged him tightly "Have I ever told you that you are the best!"

"Is that even a question?" He asked laughing and she tightened her hug "Thank you so much,Ya Yusuf!"

"Let go of me now, I will die out of suffocation the next minute." He whined and she let go of him laughing "I am so elated!" She stood up jumping as she kept twirling herself making Yusuf laugh.

"I have got my job back." She said to herself like she couldn't believe it,Yusuf just smiled amusingly.

Iman is totally crazy.

She looked at him and smiled widely at him "You really made my day." She stated.

"I am so happy!" She exclaimed and that was what Yusuf wanted to hear.

It gave him peace and harmony.If he cannot be happy,then he can at least make his closed ones happy.For sure,their happiness will make him happy.

Iman smiled widely at him as she held his hand.

"Ya Yusuf,I can see the puzzles of our life starting to fit just perfectly."

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