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Yusuf's Present.

Yusuf stopped the car at the side of the road as he stepped out anxiously,Iman also stepped out and walked to him "Ya Yusuf,why do you want to hide the truth from her?" Iman questioned anxiously "I want you to enter the new phase of your life with zero regrets.Keeping this hidden from your wife doesn't sit right with me."

"She should know that you have once loved our step mother!" She finalized and Yusuf turned to her looking helpless,his eyes held onto a lot of pain and sorrow,his lips trembled to form words but he couldn't.

"Iman...." He dragged trying to make her calm down "I also don't like keeping this hidden from Yusrah,but I have to."

"Why?" Iman questioned tiredly.

Yusuf let out a frustrating sigh "Yusrah is low on confidence,she is scared of people.Yusrah is traumatized from what happened years ago,she is also traumatized from this new phase of our lives.Adding more salt to her wounds seems unfair to me.I will tell Yusrah everything when I feel the time is right." He explained "If I tell her now,she will feel somehow whenever she meets Warisha, I have to make sure she knows I hate Warisha first or else she will think;I still love her."

"Iman,I know Yusrah.She is a very soft person." He stated calmly and Iman let out a sigh "I don't feel too good about this,but you should do it your way." She stated and he nod his head.

He went back to the car while she stood there "Come in,let's go." He stated and she shook her head "I am going to visit a friend,go back home." She stated and he nod his head.

Iman seems angry with his decision but he still think he is on the right path.

He started the car and made his way back home.


It sounded foreign to him,but he can call it home.It has the warmth he have always craved for.It seems absurd to him,he finally have a home.

He reached and entered the house,he found a familiar car in the parking space and all colors drained out of his face.


He questioned himself as he quickly lounge into the building,he entered and found her sitting comfortably on the chair while Yusrah was nowhere to be seen.

He felt anger overcoming him as he walked to her,she raised her head and their eyes clashed.She smiled at him waving her hand.

"Why did you come to my house?" He questioned with authority dripping from his voice,Warisha stared at him in bewilderment before she let out a laugh "Don't tell me you are scared,you don't want your wife to find out about US." She wiggled with her eyebrow and he tried to calm himself down.

"Their is no US!"

Why won't she let him be?

Just why?

"Look Warisha,if you ever say anything to Yusrah then consider yourself dead!" He stated and she just raised her eyebrow in a mocking manner.

Yusrah came out with a tray "You are back?" She questioned Yusuf and he smiled at her composing himself "Yeah." He stated.

"Do you need anything?" She asked him and he shook his head while she sat down.

Yusrah poured drink into a glass cup before passing it to Warisha "Your husband is asking me why I came here," Warisha stated staring at him daringly.

Yusrah turned to him and smiled softly at him which Yusuf gave back without even realizing,he felt his heartbeat quicken as he stared at her.She looked beautiful.Very beautiful.She should smile often.

He was bought out of his daze when Yusrah said "She came to take what is hers."

Yusuf got confused.Did Warisha tell Yusrah everything?

Yusrah started laughing as she stared at him raising a tiffin "She came to take this tiffin.She left it when they came to accompany me yesterday." She stated smiling as she pass her the tiffin "My favorite of all!" Warisha exclaimed and Yusrah just smiled.

Yusrah went inside to check on Yazeed who was sleeping in the room and Yusuf shot daggers at Warisha "I will snatch away what she took from me." Warisha stated looking at Yusrah who was walking on the stairs.

"I have always been hers."

"What she took away was never yours from the beginning,it wouldn't have been taken away from you." He stated with fire blazing.

"You cannot threaten me, I just want to tell you that if you dare do anything stupid to ruin my marriage.Then,wallahil azeem I won't spare you Warisha, I will show you the worst side of me." He stated and Warisha visibly shook with fear,Yusuf is being serious and it scares her to death but she held it back quietly,she won't let him know that she fears this side of him.

Yusrah came back and smiled at them,Warisha stood  up and smiled "I will take my leave them.Bride and groom have fun!" She stated as she eyed Yusuf "Before everything gets ruined," She whispered to him smirking as she stepped out.

Yusuf let out a sigh as he turned his attention to Yusrah who was sitting on the chair next to him "Soo...."

She drew her attention back to him after hearing his voice "Soo?" She question fighting back her smile.

Yusuf smiled at her tactic as he drew closer to her "I have finally tasted the food you cooked." He said a few seconds later.

Yusrah nodded her head smiling "You did.How did you find it?" She questioned quirking her eyebrow.

Yusuf smiled as he reminisced the taste and deliciousness of the food.

"More than I imagined it to taste."

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