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Yusuf's past.

He watched her as she sliced the lettuce beautifully,she transferred it into a colander and then walked to the sink.She turn on the tap and start rinsing the lettuce smiling as she swirl to the song playing on her phone which was on the kitchen counter.

Yusuf gulped down a lump in his throat.


He muttered under his breath,his heart beat palpated and he turned around once more to take a glimpse of her.She stirred the stew which was on fire and Yusuf have to admit that the aroma is so masha Allah.

He hates himself.

He never knew that someone can hate himself this much,but he does.

He hates himself for sneaking in everyday to watch his father's bride cook.He hates himself for glancing at her every time he gets a chance to clash with her.He absolutely hate everything about himself.

He knows that it is bad,he have no other choice,he still love Warisha!

He tried to hate her,he really tried.But he realized that you cannot just wake up one day and stop loving the person you love with all your heart,it takes time,it takes time to heal and move on.He needs time even though he doesn't have time.

He is so clueless of what to do,he feels like digging up the ground and entering,he even wish he was never born,he even wish he will die.


He wish he never met her.

Letting out a sigh,Yusuf walked back to his room lost in thoughts,he needs to do something about his feeling,about his pain,about this betrayal.He cannot continue what he is doing,he cannot keep sneaking to look at her,it is haram to look at someone's wife like he does.

To top it all,she is his father's wife.

It all still feels like a dream.Yusuf is still trying to believe that this is all real,he feels like someone will shake him and tell him to wake up.It was all just a dream.

A very frustrating dream.

He is just so sad.He is so broken.

He feels like his heart is being torn into pieces.His heart is boiling in pain,his whole body is in pain,every single thing inside him is hurting.

The pain is just too much,it cannot even be expressed in words.

"Ya Yusuf," He heard Iman's whisper,he turned to look at her,she was standing holding the door knob,she walked to him and he faked a smile at her,she came forward and wiped his tears.That was when he even realized that he was crying.

"Something got into my eyes," He lied,he have to be strong,him being weak is breaking Iman's heart and she needs to be strong.He want her to be strong,so that she can take any challenge life throws at her "Lie to anyone but not to me." She shook her head and he let out a small whimper,he felt pained.

"Ya Yusuf,I don't know how you feel but am sure that it is so painful.I just want you to know that,you can do this,you are stronger than this and you can overcome this challenge."

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