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Yusrah's Present.

Two updates,Yay!

Yusrah eyes Yazeed who was jumping around,children have so much energy in them,it is starting to annoy her.Yazeed is always too hyper for her own liking.

"Come and sit down," She ordered him and he laughed at her "Come." She finalized and he did "Be a good boy and stop jumping around." She stated smiling softly at him "Bad boys are the ones that disobey their mother's." She stated and he nod his head in understanding,today being weekend means Yusrah is free.

She just have to sleep,eat,play with Yazeed,scold Yazeed,hug Yazeed,tell Yazeed stories.Oh wait,enough of Yazeed!

Zahra walked inside the room smiling as she sat "Hey baby," She waved at Yazeed who smiled widely at her "Ya Zarah," He stated as she gave him a high five.All Yusrah could do was smile.

"We are going out for ice cream!" Zahra stated and Yusrah smiled at her gratefully "Yazeed,be a good boy to Ya Zarah.No mischief." She warned as she scanned him to see if his clothes are perfect for the outing.He was wearing denim shorts and a plain white t-shirt.Yazeed doesn't have many clothes,when Yusrah gets money she visits the cheapest bend down select shop and pick some clothes for him.

"Oh hello miss! We are all going together." Zarah announced and Yusrah shook her head "No, I am not coming." She smiled.

Zarah eyed her as she shook her head leaving no room for argument "We are going together, I don't want to hear anything." She stated blocking her ears.

Drama queen!

Yusrah rolled her eyes as she let out a surrendering sigh "Okay,it seems like you are the elder one now." Yusrah stated eyeing her which made Zarah laugh.

Zarah stood up and went over to her wardrobe as she scrutinized it,she picked out a black plain abaya that have design at the end of the hands and then a brown plain veil "Wear this! You have never worn it,have you?" She asked and Yusrah shook her head no "I don't feel like putting a veil." She argued.

"You are gonna make a hijab out of it,ukhti." Zarah countered back and Yusrah sigh.Baba always buy an Abaya for them every eid but she never wore any of her own.

"Come on,go and get ready.We will wait for you in the parlor." She stated as she held Yazeed's hand.

Yusrah is happy that she and Zarah are on good terms but then Zarah doesn't realize that she and her parents are not.She keeps dragging her into everything and it seems to annoy her parents.

She changed into the abaya and wrapped the veil securely into a hijab,she dusted her face with a little powder and also put a little lipgloss then kohl.

She put on her black flats as she scurried out of the room knowing that Zahra hates waiting.She met Zahra and her two brothers talking while Yazeed watches cartoon.For the first time.

"I am ready," She announced and all of them smiled at her "Let's go Yazeed." Kamal stated and Yazeed shook his head "I will just continue watching this." He innocently stated.

"What? The ice cream nko?" Zarah asked,Yazeed seemed to be in deep thoughts before he looked up "If we come back,will you put this for me again?" He question and Zahra nodded her head laughing.

They all jumped into car and they reached the ice cream parlor and entered.They all took their seats and ice cream was ordered.

"It feels good to finally come out." Zahra stated and Yusrah chuckled "We go to school everyday." She reminded her "Well, I mean an outing." She rolled her eyes in the process while Yusrah just shook her head.

The ice cream melting in her mouth felt so good,she blocked them all away and focused on the coldness of the ice cream and also the beauty of the place.

She looked up at them smiling at them "What are you guys laughing at?" She asked as she saw them laughing "Nothing serious." They shrugged and she turned to look at Yazeed but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Yazeed?" She questioned furrowing her eyebrows "He was just playing under the table right now." Kamal stated and Yusrah looked under the table but he was not there.

"I am sure he is outside,their are swings outside.I al very sure he went out to play." She stated smiling as she hurried stood up to go and check on him.

She scurried outside and she saw him sitting next to another man.

A kidnapper?

She questioned herself as she walk run to the place "Are you trying to kidnap my son? Evil man!" She thundered and the man turned around with an amused smile on his face.


His smile vanished immediately after he saw her and it seemed like,Yusuf's breath hitched.He got lost in looking at her.

Yusrah smiled at him "Good afternoon sir." She stated awkwardly and he coughed as Yazeed came back to her side.

"Afternoon.He just ran to me from inside,it is a surprise that he recognized me." Yusuf said talking about Yazeed and she smiled "He is very fond of you." She stated,telling herself not to forget to scold Yazeed for sneaking out after they go home.

She ducked her head down after realizing that Yusuf is staring at her.He kept staring her till he blurted;

"You look beautiful today.You always do,just that you look very beautiful today."

He stated and Yusrah coughed loudly as she tried to maintain her breathing pattern "Thanks." She stated breathlessly.

He smiled at her beautifully,he is happy that he saw her.

Yusrah just put her head down and one thing was confirmed.

"Every path of hers,leads her to him."

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