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Yusuf's Present.

Yusuf couldn't even believe his ears "Yusrah,stop joking around." He stated visibly confused and shaken,Yusrah shook her head with eyes filled with tears "It is not a joke."

"This is the reality.My reality.Your reality.Our reality."

Yusuf scoffed as anger started overclouding him,he felt utterly betrayed.Why is Yusrah doing this?

"Look,I know that I really take Yazeed as my own son, but that still doesn't make him my son." He explained calmly and Yusrah just covered her face with her palms as she sobbed hysterically with her body shaking uncontrollably "You are his biological father." She stated pointing her fingers at Yusuf.

Yusuf have always being confused,about his feelings,about who he is,about what he is doing.He have literally being confused about everything all his life! But this confusion is different. "Yusrah is not in her senses" That is one thing he is very sure about.He looked at the DNA sheet and their names were written,His and Yazeed's.

"It was a mere confusion,they did me and Yazeed's DNA instead of doing those people's own.Those machines do lie,they were doing everything in a hurry.DNA normally takes like two days to be processed,they did this in 30 minutes!" He stated showing her the paper and she nod her head.

"I know,I know that Yusuf." She shouted "You are the father of my son! You are the guy who was drunk that day,the guy who was sad and broken! The guy I told "Broken is beautiful".You are the one!" She shouted as she paced into the room.

"Broken is beautiful?" He question and his head started pounding,he have heard this somewhere,he definitely did.But the question is; Where?

"Drunk?" He questioned again,he have never being drunk,even though his life was messed up,he never went for drugs or alcohol.He have always held himself back. "I have never being drunk." He stated staring into Yusrah's eyes.

He felt anger rise into him.She want to take him into her messed up life by forcibly making him believe he is the father of her illegitimate son.But then: His life is already in chaos so "No,thanks."

"I never expected this from you." He scoffed "You want to forcibly make me belief that I am the father of your illegitimate child?" He question unbelievably as he stared into her eyes.Yusrah froze on her tracks as she stared at him in disbelieve "That illegitimate child is yours!" She shouted as she felt her head pounding.

Yusuf eyed her as he felt anger overcoming him.

Women are snakes!

He has been betrayed again,he let his feelings lead him,he let his heart get the best of him.Once again.

Once again,he have gone back to the guy he was 5 years ago,the guy who was betrayed by the lady he trusted the most.He thought Yusrah was different,she looked so innocent,so pure.

He shouldn't have believed her,even Warisha acted innocent.Now,Yusrah is making him look like the bad guy.

A thought suddenly striked him,like a ticking clock.He turned and stared at Yusrah in utter disbelieve "Was this all planned?"

Okay,maybe Yazeed was never sick.Yusrah told him to act unconscious so that he will follow them to the hospital,then she told the doctor to demand for blood so that he volunteers.And then,this! This fake DNA test.All this was planned.

He looked up at her "I never expected this from you."

"You planned all this." His whole body shook,she also betrayed him.She is not different "You acted innocent,oblivious to me you were planning this.Everything was fake!"

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