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Yusuf poked Iman who shyly eye him,he let out a very smooth laugh as he slump down beside her and then face her "They will like you." He stated in a soft voice reassuringly.

Iman let out a sigh as she blinked "We will see about that." She stated nervously clasping her both hands together as she fiddle with them.

Yusrah stepped into the room smiling "Ready?" She questioned and Iman nodded her head,she held her hand and made her stand up "You are looking so beautiful." Yusrah compliment her as she drag her out of the room.

"I feel like an outcast now." Yusuf stated as he walk behind them making Yusrah roll her eyes,she smiled when Yusuf pecked her cheeks as he stare at her "You are looking stunning!" He stated and she smiled widely at him as she punch him playfully "This is the glow of being Yusuf's wife." She stated and he dramatically put his hand on his chest acting like he is going to faint.

They both let out a laugh and Iman held her waist "Okay,I am the one who feel like an outcast now." She whined eyeing them and they both stick out there tongue to her.

She rolled her eyes smiling sheepishly "So much for being parents of a five year old."

Fahad and his parents are finally visiting and well they are already here.Things are going to be official.Yusuf and his father have already met Fahad countless of times and they like him,they have done a background check and the result was really commendable.To top it all,Fahad is taking care of Iman well,he makes her happy and she love him.But what matters the most is the way Fahad love Iman,everyone can see it clearly.

They exchanged greetings as they sat down smiling "It is nice to finally meet the lady Ya Fahad cannot stop talking about." A lady who seemed to be around Iman's age stated smiling happily "What makes me more happy is that we have the same age.I also love reading novels alot! I also have tons of poetry books." She stated the things they have in common smiling.

"Amal,calm down." Her mother stated and they all laughed "I am also happy to finally meet Iman.As Amal said,Fahad cannot stop talking about her." His mother stated smiling while Iman shyly cast her eyes down with a smile.

Well,it went smooth.


"Let go of me." Yusrah stated as Yusuf hugged her tighter,she doesn't understand why Yusuf love hugging her from behind while she work in the kitchen.

They are done with their diploma class.How time flies!

Well,they decided to have dinner at their house with all the students.Yusrah needs to concentrate on cooking because she wants everything to be perfect,from the food presentation to the taste of the food to the way she will arrange the dining table.

Today have been a busy day,From meeting Iman's inlaws to be to this and then Yusuf's hug now.

"I don't want to." He finally answered and she rolled her eyes,his breath was fanning her neck and she sigh "Help me then,pass me that sliced onion please." He nodded his head still hugging her before she felt herself turn.


He wants to take it without letting her go so he dragged her along with him "I should have gotten it myself." She mumbled under her breath.

He finally let go of her then turn her around and hug her for a second "It cannot be my fault that I always want you close to me.It is just that I love you so much." He stated and she smiled pinching his cheeks.

"I know." She stated as she also hug him "But for now,we have a lot of work.We have to finish cooking,set the table and get ready.So,you should let go of me because you are distracting me." She stated blinking her eyes and he nod his head like a little baby.

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