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Yusuf's Present.

I wanted to reach for the moon and stars,but I couldn't even reach the sky.

Curled up on the floor,with every ounce of his body shaking.Yusuf stood up and opened the door,someone have been knocking the door for a while now.

Iman walked into the room while he went back to the place where he was sitting before he stood up,he rested his head on the wall as he bought his knees to his chest while he rock back and forth.

Iman wiped the tears that rolled down without her permission as she stared at him,his eyes were looking straight into space,he looked like a zombie.

Her heart constricted in pain and pity for her brother.

Yusuf rocked himself lost in thoughts.

Life.It thought him a lot,it showed him a lot.

He is Yusuf,the same guy who went through every kind of pain quitely,he is brave enough to move on.

But then,this time around.He isn't the victim,but the culprit.

He ruined someone else's life.

"Ya Yusuf...." Iman was scouting close to him as she patted his shoulders "Talk.Say something,your silence is killing me." She bursted into tears but Yusuf didn't spare her a glance.She stopped him from rocking his body back and forth and embraced him tightly.

Her sobs were muffled and tears roll down from his eyes too "I....I.....I ruined her life!" He sobbed out and Iman listened quietly,she didn't want to talk.He is making progress,he is talking.

"I am the reason behind her pain,Iman." He breathed harshly as Iman let go of him looking at him intently in the eye "Scream! Break something! Just don't keep it all in." She sobbed as she held his hand.

"When Warisha accused me of raping her, I was so angry and broken.I told myself that I will do everything but not something that will ruin my family's reputation,I will do everything but not lay my hands on a lady who is not my halal,I will do everything but not rape a lady." He stated sighing "I didn't know that, I already did that!"

"I said, I won't ever do it but I did it.To Yusrah for that matter! I raped her." Tears roll down from his eyes as he held onto his chest tightly,pure pain was oozing out of every ounce of his body.

Iman wiped his tears as she held his face "Take a deep breath," She instructed and he did "Calm down." She patted his shoulder "It will be fine." She stated and he shook his head.

"Don't lie! Nothing will be fine.It has never been fine and it won't ever be fine."

Iman shook her head with tears rolling down her eyes "Ya Yusuf..." She trailed off as he broke down into tears.

He cried and cried and cried.

He would occasionally throw his hand back and sob out loud,he will sometimes carry a pillow to punch then muffle his sobs into it.He will sometimes hit the wall in anger.He will sometimes just sit like a lifeless person on the floor as tears roll down from his eyes.

He cried.

Cried and cried.

For only God knows how long.

He stood by the window as he watched the sky,tears trailed down from his eyes as he wiped them off.

"You know,just when I though life was getting better,life showed me that it can never get better."

Iman shook her head but she didn't dare talk,she couldn't even talk.

"Iman,I cannot sleep or eat knowing that I ruined someone else's life, I snatched away someone's happiness and normal life." Tears rolled down from his eyes "For five years,I lived my life while she....she suffered.She took care of Our son all alone.I didn't even know about it."

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