Volume 5 - Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven

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In an empty blackness, Qrows voice can be heard. "The City of Mistrel..."

"Ugh! It's about time!" Nora complained.

"I've felt better before..." Ruby took your hand and smiled at you.

Qrow and Team RNJR+(Y) are walking through a stone brick tunnel illuminated by translucent lanterns.

"Whose idea was it to walk again?" Nora complained again.

"Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken airships, destroyed settlements..." Ren counted all of the 'adventures' they had during their trip.

"Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder us." Jaune flailed his arms rapidly at the last few words.

"Pfft, we were fine." She looked at you and Qrow with a smile. "Only two of us almost died."

"Hey./And whose fault was that?" You started to ruffle her hair, which made her giggle.

Nora, on the other hand, puts her hands on her hips and looks at Ren.

Ren returns the gaze. "Hey."

Nora giggled too.

"So, how much farther to Haven Academy?" Jaune asked Qrow.

"Almost there. But I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route." Qrow answered.

You all approach a pair of large, wooden double doors, which Qrow opens, flooding the tunnel with sunlight. Ruby runs out onto a massive platform that doubles as an elevator, stopping at the railing to gaze out over the city in wide-eyed awe.


The others join her to take in the view of buildings and stone stairways perched on mountains. Meanwhile, you just sighed.

"This... is... awesome!" Ruby exclaimed in awe.

Below you, large crowds of people are going about their day - walking around, talking and buying merchandise legally and illegally.

"It's certainly something." Qrow sighed out.

"Oh my gosh," Ruby took your hand and pointed at a shop. "look at all the weapons!"

"Yeah, yeah. Those are some cool weapons." You rolled your eyes.

"Vendors here'll sell you just about anything... whether they should or not." Qrow remarked.

Jaune looked around the city. "They really made the most out of these mountains."

"Every inch. Stay away from the lower levels. The higher up you go, the nicer it gets." Qrow pointed out.

"And we are going UP!" Nora said, while pointing upwards excitedly.

You all enter the campus grounds of Haven Academy, which is devoid of any other people. You stop in a courtyard, where Ruby smiles and wipes a tear from her eye. You place a hand on her shoulder, and she sighs.

"We made it."

Qrow stops behind you, and while you continue on your way, he takes a moment to glance around and lets out a sigh.

"Hello?" Ruby calls out.

But nobody came...

"Hello?!" She called out louder.

"Maybe try louder?" Nora suggested.

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