Volume 6 - Chapter 5: Truth behind a new world

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"Let's go after her!" You and Mia broke into a sprint, following the cloaked figure.

She immediately noticed your presence and picked up her own speed.

She made a quick turn into an alleyway and jumped onto a roof. You quickly followed suit.

"Isn't this the part where we yell at her to stop moving?" Mia asked confused.

"Normally yeah, but I don't think it's normal for people in this place to run sp fast... or on rooftops."

The cloaked lady continued to run at full speed, before jumping down a chimney.

Wasting no time, you quickly jumped down too.

"Santa?!" A young woman, who had muscles like that one legendary super salad, looked at you with big eyes.

"Uh, no." You made a quick dash for the door and bolted after the cloaked lady.

Seeing that no one is around you decided to use your semblance.

You dash in front of her, causing her to hit the brakes and try to run the other way.

However, you quickly wrapped your arms around her hips and hoisted her up.

"Ugh, let me down!"


Mia quickly turned the corner and gave her a right hook.

You let go of the lady and she tumbles to the ground.

"That was needlessly aggressive." You dusted yourself off.

"You could've just pulled on her cloak."

"Whatever, let's get her somewhere... not here, I guess."

You went to pick her up, but Mia shoved you away and decided to carry the lady herself.

*One search for an abandoned building later*

Once you arrived, you wasted no time in putting restraints on the lady, making sure she can't run.

"Now what?" Mia asked.

"We wait until she wakes up, cause SOMEONE just had to knock her out."

"Zeke should restrain himself more, I agree." She nodded casually.

"Man, screw you."

The lady started to stir awake, so you both turned your attention towards her.

"Ugh, you stupid brat, that hurt!"

"Payback, bit-" You covered Mia's mouth.

"That's enough out of you, and I'll be asking the questions now."

"I haven't even asked a question yet." The lady rebuttaled.

"Anyways, who the hell are you?"

"I'm sure you heard my name already. You've been prying around here, haven't you?"

Mia shoved your hand off her mouth. "You're Santa Claus!"

"No, you- I'm Eis! THE Eis!"

"I dunno, that sounds like something Santa would say..." You put your hand on your chin.

"Listen, I can deal with her bullcrap, but please treat this a little bit more seriously, Y/n."

"Alright fine... can't have shit in Detroit man..."

"Why the hell did you bring us here?"

"Ah, the most interesting one first, ey? Well, you should've seen yourself by now how awful this place is. It's a hellscape where the weak die and the strong live."

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