Ruby's Halloween Birthday

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You were currently walking down the Beacon Hallway to your dorm, happily humming your theme song (Insert whatever you want). You were happy, since today was Halloween. You remembered Halloween with Hugo and some of your Teachers. You'd always receive lots and lots of Candy, and of course, you loved it. You sometimes made fun of Ruby's Cookie craving's, but you had a sweet tooth yourself. 

Your favorite Candy has always been F/S, you were easily bribed with it from Raven.

You opened the door to your room, only to notice it's slightly open. You didn't bother, thinking you didn't close it properly. You turned on the lights and-


Ceiling Cat's are a phobia you didn't want to know you had.

"Blake... why...?"

"Shhhhh... is Ruby with you?" She said this in a slightly scary-whisper tone



She jumped down while you took a step back.

"So... Why are you hiding from Ruby?"

"Don't you know what today is?" She sat down on your Bed.


"Yes, and with that, Ruby's Birthday." You started sweating.

"Oh yeah, totally remembered that one."

"You actually forgot."

"Wha!? Phssh, who me? Never!"

"So, what did you buy her?" She pierced you with a gaze that said 'You messed up bad!'.

"U-Uhm... Ah W-well- Hey! I'm asking the questions here!" You pointed accusingly at her "You're hiding because you don't have a Prese-"

"I already gave her mine." Crap. "I'm hiding because Ruby can be a bit-"

"Extreme? Annoying? Narcissistic?"


"Yeah," You sighed. "I know..." 


You were Eleven years old at this point. You were about Ten months with the Xiao-Long Household and Ruby started to warm up. Yang's flirting also sank considerably, she probably started to think of you as a little Brother. Everything was fun, until Halloween arrived.

"Y/N!" Yang shot down the stairs.

"What's up, Hot-stuff?" She grabbed your hand and raced to the door. "Whyyyyyyy!?"

"No time! Sister! Birthday! Monster!" You got out of Yang's grip.

"Today is Ruby's birthday? I didn't know!"

"Don't go! She is a Nightmare! Please, let's just go!"

"Yaaaaang? Wheeeere are youuuuuu?"

You saw a shadow slowly descending on the Stairs.

"You're on your own!" Yang dashed through the door, jumping in the Families car, where Tai and Zwei were waiting. They looked at you in pity before yang yelled one last time: "Those fall get left behind!" as they drove out of your sight.


You turned around to see Ruby staring at you sweetly, little did you know, those were the eyes of a demon. 

"It's my Birthday!"

*Flashback end*

The Soul-Reaper | A RWBY Male Reader Insert StoryWhere stories live. Discover now