Volume 1 - Part 8: Jaunedice

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A/N: Thanks for 1K Reads. I know most of them are from the first part of the prologue, but many people stayed as well. So thanks for that. Also, sorry for the slight wait for this one, some stuff happened. Enjoy this Chapter that may or may not contain some story for Y/N. You didn't hear this from me, but it'll be... Interesting.

You were currently in a training room, alongside Chrome, who wanted to teach you some things about the Kamui. After you've woken up, everyone asked you how you felt. You didn't tell them about the Nightmare, but they were curious about why it happened. You wondered if it was because you touched Pyrrha for the first time, but you waved it off, saying it was just a Fluke. However, you still wondered why Mia was at your bedside. Ruby was obvious, but Mia was an Enigma, which probably was fate considering your Nickname. Jaune also seemed to hang more out with Cardin. You thought they either became friends, or he's Blackmailing Jaune. You'd worry more about it, but Sol said Jaune needs to do it alone.

Chrome signaled to stop for the day, which was fine for you, since his Training was purgatory hell. He'd fight you 'till your Auras depleted fully, then made you train harder. He said, this was to make sure you'll never give up. For you, however, it was Child-abuse... or teen-abuse? Doesn't matter, still sucked. He made it up to you though, buying you Cookies afterwards. He reminded you of Raven.

"Now then, will you tell me what happened yesterday?" He asked in a Calm matter. You trusted him, he had this... Nice Aura. You couldn't pinpoint why, but he just had.

"Well, i fainted." Seriously? Not more? It was totally obvious you held back, making him glare at you. "And... i had a Nightmare?" Your 'statement' sounded more like a Question.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He pointed at a Chair, which you sat down on. You proceeded to tell him what happened. He listened and nodded understandingly. You told him about Beacon in shatters, you against Sol, and the distortion killing Pyrrha. He seemed particular interested in you wielding Two Scythe's. After you finished he was deep in thought, until he asked: "Next time something like this happens, please tell me. I might have a clue." You nodded, and then stood up to leave. 

Since it was quite late, you thought it'd be best to go to sleep. You wanted to be at your best for the School-trip, of course.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi-Chrome beating up Cardin.

You and the others had just arrived at the Forest of Forever Fall with Glynda Goodwitch. While walking, you were amused at Ruby's reaction to the red leaves that are blanketing the trees and the red grass covering ground. You weren't as mesmerized, since you saw better. Zeke was also awfully quiet, for the Bundle of energy he normally is.

"Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." Glynda then stopped and turned around to face the group of students. Jaune, grunting and carrying a large case with six empty glass jars on top, tries to catch up with them and ends up bumping into Cardin, which you heard behind you, and saw Jaune being scowled at by Cardin. Cardin turned back to face Glynda, and you realized Jaune's blackmailed. "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. Mr L/N, you'll be staying with either JNPR, RWBY or NVRM. We will rendezvous back here by 4 o'clock. Have fun!"

"Okay, guess i'll go with you guys." You walked towards NVRM, before being tackled by... Yang?

"No you won't!" She put you in a Headlock. "After what happened last time, you won't be staying with them!" What did she mean last time? Does she think Zach did something to you?

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