Volume 2 - Part 10: Fairytales and Bedtime-stories

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Looking in the eyes of the fox, you couldn't just leave it. You picked it up, keeping it in your arms.

"Ugh, I can't fight like this." As if it was understanding your Words, it jumped on your head, then into your Hood.

You could feel it's weight, but it was manageable. Honestly, if that thing can keep balance with Nine-tails, you can too!

"Okay, just try not to move too much."

You made your way farther down the road, toward the Library. It looked to be in worse state then the other buildings.

It looked moldy, with a very green wood... it looked like luigi's mansion. Just with less ghosts. Is what you tell yourself.

You opened the, hearing metal straining. You went inside, the sound of metal straining getting louder.

You looked down, but there was only a wooden floor. Moldy, but still wooden.

The walls looked similar, but there still wasn't anything producing that sound.

Suddenly, your little Fox jumped out of your Hood, running outside without looking back.

You didn't have time to question it's behavior, as you heard a rope snapping.

You looked up, and just in time managed to jump aside. Turns out, the sound came from a chandelier above you. A humongous one, to boot. It left a huge hole in the ground where you stood.

You started to cough a bit, since the crash blew up some dust.

You made your way around it, trying to reach some shelves.

Once you reached them, you started looking for some info, which you soon found.

It was the 'Inhabitants of Jœrpheska' labeled book. You opened it up, only to find that it was written by Gərbet, the Mayor.

The pages were full of names from people who used to live here. It was sorted from Year to Year, A to Z.

The last two year's, however, had you interested. More accurately, the C part, which contained Chrome's name. His full name. It would be normal for some people to have the same name, especially in history, but it intrigued you nonetheless.

'Name: Chrome Kaijoto.
Age: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Hair: Long, white hair.

'This man came from far away. He didn't explain futher details, but he seems to have a big heart, for animals, humans and faunus alike. He's exactly the kind of person I want at this village: A loving, strong warrior.''

You were confused as hell. It sounded just like him, but... It couldn't be, right? If it were he would have to be... immortal, or at least... stopped aging. But that's too absurd to... be true. Right?

The last year only made everything more difficult.

'Gərbet Kaijoto
Husband: Chrome Kaijoto.'

Wait, he was married? This keeps getting weirder.

You put the Book back in the shelf.

As you looked through the rest, there was one book that stood out. It looked newer then the rest.

You took it and immediately noticed something. It's printed. The other books were all hand-written, since they didn't have printers.

The title read 'Legends and Storys of Remnant'. You loved Fairytales, but this whole thing kinda freaked you out.

It was filled with the basics: 'Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, Rumpelstiltskin' etc. etc.

The last one was named 'The man of a thousand years.'. Unlike the others, it was written in a different font. No, not comic sans.

'Once upon a time, a man with silver hair lived in a lively village. This man, however, had a different past then the other villagers. Some were former thieves, or murderers even, but they all lived happily together now, accepting their wrong doings. The man we're talking about, doesn't have such a background. He never killed the innocent, nor did he steal. He was simply a knight without a kingdom. He was simply a man. Not more not less... except, not. He always strived to do what is right, helping everybody, man or animal. As it happens to be every time, it did not work out for him quite well.

One day, he met a witch. One, that was said to be evil to the core. She was summoning beasts from her castle, sending them to attack and kill innocents. As the pure knight he was, he accepted the job. He couldn't just stand by and let villages get torn apart. He made his way toward the castle, slaying the beasts on his path. His resolve did not waver even a second.

Month after month he wandered. Until one day, he finally arrived. The sky was blood red, the sea was a gooey, thick black liquid and the overall atmosphere was terrific. Once he reached the chamber of the queen, he raised his blade as to give signal to fight.

After a hard fought battle, he was inevitably stuck down by the empress. Once he faced his demise, the queen spoke: "Thou hast impressed me. While thou hast lost, I shalt grant thy a offer. Join my court, and raised thou blade for my cause. If thou accept, bend thy knee." The knight, with little strength, raised to his feet. "Never! I shall never bend to the likes of you!". The queen, infuriated by his noble decision, spoke again: "Thou art foolish. I shalt grant thou endless pain! Thou shalt rule thy choice!". With those words, the queen threw him into the black liquid. She cursed him... with immortality. Nothing more. At first, it did not seem like a curse, but it proved to be one quickly. As time passed, he lost many. His friends, his home and lastly his sanity.'

The rest of the book was hand-written.

'This story is Grimm, is it not? There can't always be a happy ending. He is now waiting for the cure to this curse. One day, a boy with the power of souls will appear. He will have the strenght to wield the souls, and to destroy them. This boy, is none other than you, Y/N. I will await you in the village square. I hope you can finally free me. Await a battle, as he will not fall without a fight. I'm sorry.'

You closed the book, and a loud scream echoed throughout the sky. The sun was slowly descending.

Fun fact: Red riding hood was the first fairy tale I ever read. I was three at the time. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this little chapter.

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