Volume 6 - Chapter 2: Stranded with a pervert

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"If any of you get hurt I'm going to beat the crap out of all of you!" You cross your arms.

Ruby gave you one quick kiss on the cheek, before running back to her team. "Don't worry, Y/n! Team RWBY never fails!"

Several moments later, Nora gets a text from Ruby, signaling Ren, Jaune and Zeke to use their semblances.

You keep looking back, watching the train derail, sending RWBY and Qrow flying off.

You let out a sigh and turn back.

"Well... guess we're gonna wait and see."

Zach walked up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. "It's okay, they'll be fine. Have a little faith, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah... you're right. But what are we going to do now?"

"You're asking me? Aren't you supposed to be the leader?" Zach walks forward raising his hands while shooting you a smirk.

"Harr harr, you know what I meant."

"Yeah, and you know-" suddenly, something hit the train. You and the guests are shaken around.

"More grimm?! But we're hidden, aren't we...?" You turn to Zach. "Go evacuate the people to the next wagon, I'll check the situation."

"Alright!" Zach let's out a whistle and motions the passengers to follow him. "Everyone stay calm and follow me!"

He, Zeke and JNPR all slowly move toward the next wagon.

Meanwhile, you climb onto the roof. You look around with your weapon out, but see nothing.

You wait for a few minutes, but nothing happens. You climb back into the wagon and walk toward Zach, who's standing at the doorway.

"What's up Y/n?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe we rolled over a bump or something?"

"Well then, come-"

A rocket hits the path between the two wagons, decoupling it.

"Y/n! Get over here quick!" Zach stretched his arm out to grab you.

You sprinted towards him, jumping for him as the wagon derails as well.

Your hand is Inches away, but you quickly retract and brace for a rocket that collided with your body.

You're sent flying away from the tracks, fading out of consciousness as you hear Zach yelling your name.

And then, darkness...

You slowly regain your consciousness, feeling cold and wet all around. And heavy...

You slowly try to stand up, but quickly fall into a sitting position. "What the hell...? Did I somehow absorb Qrows semblance?"

You used your flames to dry yourself and warm your body. You take a look around.

Snow as far as you can see. Trees adorn the beautiful scenery, which you would enjoy, if it wouldn't be a life-or-death scenario.

"Great... this is just great..." Alone and cold, you get back up and start walking forward.

"Well... no point in staying here to decay."

You march foward without any clue where to go. You only have the train track to guide you, but you dont even know if you're walking in the right direction.

After a few minutes of walking, you notice something lieing in the snow. You walk over and pull it out.

Turns out, it was a pair of legs.

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