Volume 2 - Part 11: I never wanted to be...

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You were walking through the remains that once were Jœrpheska. The whole atmosphere was grim, not one animal made a sound. The only sound roaming through the village were the leafs rustling, the wind howling and your steps on the stones.

You looked up, seeing the sky turning orange, indicating that the day was coming to an end.

You took a deep breath and resumed walking. Every step was filled with grief, knowing that there wasn't a happy ending.

Was it all a farce? Did he train you for his own goals? Why did he do it? How much did Ozpin know?

All those questions were roaming through your mind.

There was one other question though: 'What kind of fight will this be?'

Your questions were soon-to-be answered, as you arrived at the Square.

At the sound of your footsteps, Chrome turned around.

"Mr. L/n... so you did came..."

"Well, I got an invitation, so of course I'd come... You've got a lot of questions to answer."

"I'm sure I do, but all with time. I assume you read the books?" You remained silent. "Well, it does not matter. I placed it there, knowing it would stir your interest."

"Hmph... just get it over with. If it's a fight you want, then you know damn well I  won't back down!"

"Hold your tongue, boy! Anger alone can carry you only so far, besides... you won't be fighting me. Immortality is a curse boy, and you are the cure. If it were a choice to me, I'd go down without a fight. But he won't." He started coughing.

"I'm sorry... Mr. L/n..."

He stared screaming in pain, his veins showed on his forehead. His eyes shined a bright red.

You summoned your Kamui and took a defensive stance.

"He... I... got one too..." Just as he said that, a fountain of water shot out from the ground. He put his hand in it and began pulling something out.

Once the water vanished, you saw a katana. It looked a lot like yours. It's a katana, what'd you expect?

"Now then," He slowly stood back up. "Shall we... begin?" His smile turned into that of a maniac.

He jumped at you, which was scary, considering his Height (7 Feet 2/ 2.19 Meters.).

You quickly evaded to the right, sending his swing into the ground.

You went to slice at his stomach, it connected.

His aura shattered immediately, like he had not much soul left. It also left a cut that began bleeding. His blood looked darker then normal.

"You may be more powerful, but these blades are all about speed!" You slid two fingers across your blade.

He just laughed in response. "You do know what immortality is, right?" His wound started to close as a fountain of blood shot out. "This isn't a fight, kid. It's a slaughter!"

Parrying is impossible, given his strength. You had to outrun him.

He swung his blade at you again, but you used his momentum and force to evade him.

He quickly spinned around, locking blades with you.

"So. What exactly are you planning now? I'm unkillable!"

"Nothing's immortal, you bastard! You will die! By. My. HAND!" You quickly moved to the left, making his blade hit the ground.

You engulfed your leg in lightning, kicking him a few feet away. Not as much as it should have.

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