Volume 6 - Chapter 1: Goodbye Haven

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Inside Mistral, on top of a mountain, a boy and a fox were sitting and staring into the sky.

He pulls out his scroll and checks the time.

He let's out a sigh and stands up.

"I guess it's time to go... see you, Sol." He waved goodbye toward the tree and jumped onto the back of the fox.

"Let's go!" The fox takes off and runs at high speed.

"Come on, Floof!" Y/n pulls out his scroll again.

He checks his messages and sees one from Neo.

'I hope you appreciated my help.
Maybe we'll meet again. <3'

Sending a text telling her to stay out of trouble, he puts the scroll down.


You hold on to Floof as she jumps down the stairs leading to the train.

"WOAAAAAAAAH! YOU CAN RIDE ON HER BACK?!" Nora appeared next to you as you got off Floofs back. "Can I ride her?! Please please pleasepleaseple-"

"Sure, but leave the hammer." Her eyes started sparkling and she immediately jumped on Floofs back.

"Yeeeeeehaw!" Floof sprinted away, taking Nora on an unforgettable adventure filled with love, friends and sadness.

Meaning she found a shop selling pancakes but they ran out of ingredients.

Anyways, Zeke picked up Nora's hammer and started swinging it around.

"Watch it. We're in public."

"Zeke SMAAAAASH!" Completely ignoring your warning, Zeke smashed the hammer into the ground. Luckily, Mia used her semblance to keep it away from the ground.

You walk over to Zeke, grab the hammer, and slap him.

"Ouch..." He rubbed cheek with tears at the corner of his eyes.

Ren walked towards you and grabbed the hammer, putting it out of Zekes reach.

"Seriously Zeke, you're gonna get people worried with such behavior." You facepalm.

"No ones gotta be worried with us around." Two men approach you and your group, drawing the attention of RWBY and JN_R.

Floof comes to a stop next to you, dropping Nora off. She turns to the two Huntsmen. "Aaaand you are?"

"Why Dee and Dudley of course. The Argus Limited's very own Huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory." Dee said.

"But for a generous tip, we can make sure your passenger car gets extra special attention should things get dangerous."

Dudley winks, which makes Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Nora give unamused looks; Nora has her arms crossed and Weiss and you roll your eyes.

"Yeah, I got a tip for ya." Qrow walks toward you all.

"Huh?" Dee and Dudley turn to see Qrow confronting them. Qrow has his hands in his pockets and gives Dee and Dudly a frown.

"Buzz off." Qrow stands between Ruby and Yang as they make faces, mocking Dee and Dudly in the background.

"Grow up you two..." You facepalm.

"Looks like Mistral's really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days." Qrow frowns.

"Hey! You're talking to a-"

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