Volume 2 - Part 12: ...A Hero!

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You received a right hook to the face, sending you flying across the ground.

"Did you... really think that... would kill ME!?"

You looked up again, seeing Chrome stand up. As he towered above you, his eyes turned a bright red.

"Grrargh, GRARGH!" Out of his right shoulder, a huge amount of blood poured out, mixed with the black substance.

The substance formed a new arm, more bulking then the last one. You could hear some of the newly formed bones cracking, as his yelling got louder.

His right arm started to be covered in black fur, as it grew even more. His whole body expanded in size, making you feel even smaller.

"Shit... He really is a Zamasu-bootleg!"

When his arm was completely covered in fur, a small bone-armor appeared on his shoulder. It went over his neck to his face. When he finally stopped squirming, a quarter of his face was covered in the bone-armor.

"Hah... HaHa... HAHAHAHAHAARGH!" His voice became a darker, more broken tune. "What will you do now, child!? I am the strongest being alive! NOTHING can stop me NOW!" He reeled his massive arm back, before sending it your way.

You jumped out of his way, looking at the crater he just created. His fist was the same size of your chest.

"Woah!" He used his left arm to swing his sword at you. You parried, but got hit by his right arm.

The hit felt like a train hitting you, sending you flying through several trees.

You didn't have the strength to stand back up again, but you didn't have to, since he picked you up.

"Do you see it now, boy? Your petty squabbles are naught before I!" He started applying pressure, making your bones crack.


"You and I are the same, Y/N. We both escaped death. But, alas, I am better. For my immortality, no one has to die. But you... you're a monster. You absorb souls, and then feed on them. You disturb the dead. That is a sin, worthy of DEATH!" He smashed you into the ground, before grabbing your leg and throwing you back into the village.

As he once again got closer, his massive frame was illuminated by the morning sun.

"We're... not the same..." You slowly stood back up, using the sheath of the Kamui for some hold. "I... have friends. Friends, that will always help me... I've learned that."

"Don't you worry, Y/N. I will kill you, again and again and again... until they arrive. Let's see how many lives you have left." He started grinning even wider.

He went for another strike, but you slid underneath his legs and slashed at his back. He swung his arm at you again, but you jumped over him.

"To slow!" He swung his blade at you again. This time, you jumped to the side, evading his arm.

As you landed, you fell on your knees, breathing heavily.

"Ohoho... Do you see? How much superior I am? I never tire, but you do. What's the use of being immortal when you have to die, over and over?" His fist, once again, hit you full force, making you skid across the ground.

The fight against Chrome was hard, robbing you of much stamina.

This fact, combined with him being fully replenished, made this fight much harder. Your mind tells you to keep running, but your body is at it's limit.

Your bones are all screaming, every movement is hurting.

Your vision was becoming blurry, your ears were ringing, and your mind was racing.

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