Volume 3 - Chapter 8: Clash of fate

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"Let's go Mira, you and I got some scores to settle!" You took a stance with your Kamui.

"Hehe, if by scores you mean your life, then yes, we do." Mira and you ran at each other.

Once in reach, you went for a middle slash, he jumped over it. You quickly evade to Mira's former position.

Sol and Zeke were already going at it as well. Sol threw rockets at Zeke, but Zeke opened portals to swallow them. He opened up the other one behind Sol, making the rockets explode on his back.

"Zeke, why are you even here!?" Mira went to punch you, but you jumped to the side.

"Mia, Zach and I got separated!" He blocked some shots from Sol. "They should be with the others by now!"

"Don't you know it's rude to ignore your opponent!" Mira delivered a blow to your stomach, making you slump over. He then gave you an uppercut.

You tumbled back a few steps. Mira shot shadow lance's at you. A portal opened before you and the lance's went through it.

The lance's redirected toward Mira, who blocked them with his blade.

Sol, who got ignored by Zeke, jumped up behind him. You shot a small lightning, sending him back.

"Focus on your on fight. You're gonna get yourself killed." Zeke nodded at you, before directing his attention toward Sol.

You sheathed the Kamui and ran toward Mira. He attempted a high swing, which you ducked under. He then tried a low swing, making you jump up. You landed behind him and tried to swing at his ribs.

He blocked it with his own blade. He twisted his body to face you.

He adapted a wicked grin and applied more pressure. Suddenly, the Kamui shattered. He took your moment of surprise to slash at you.

Your aura flickered and a cut appeared on your torso. You scoffed and sheathed your Kamui.

You summoned W/n and turned it to whip mode. Mira ran at you and you slid underneath him.

Mira jumped up, but you used W/n, which was wrapped around his leg, to smash him down again.

Mira tried to get up, but you ran at him and stomped his head into the ground.

You kicked his stomach and sent him flying.

He catched himself and pressed his palm onto the ground. He calmly walked toward you.

You tried to move, but your feet were bound by shadows.

He grabbed your arm, trying to twist it. You let go of W/n and tried to punch him, but he catched it.

He then punched your ribs and kicked your leg.

You were on one knee. He let go of you and kicked your chest. You rolled back, getting to your feet slowly.

He gave you a right hook, followed by a left one. He kicked you again.

Your back crashed into a wall. He grabbed your throat and raised you slightly.

You tried to kick him, but he remained sturdy. He took and stabbed it into your upper arm.

You let out a scream and exploded into flames, sending him flying.

Your shirt was completely incinerated. You held the wound on your right arm. Mira was still stunned by the explosion.

You looked to your left, seeing your cape, which was slowly burning away. You grabbed part of it and ripped it off, letting the rest reduce to ashes.

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