Volume 6 - Chapter 6: Ashes to Ashes...

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Throughout the street echoed a cheer. It sounded like a victory speech, yet strangely to you, it was a grim reminder.

This little rebellion will all be pointless.

"So... mind answering something?"

"Hm? What would that be Y/n?" Eis put a finger to her chin in an attempt to look cute.

"This world... it's a book, isn't it?"

"Interesting! How did you get to that conclusion? Please, enlighten me."

"Well, the names ARE a giveaway. I mean c'mon... Tristan? Snowfall Camelot? There's just some pieces..."

"Missing? Well yeah, I might be pretty amazing, but even then I can't recreate the real deal. So I made a few... adjustments."

"Adjustments?" Mia looked at Eis skeptical.

"Everything here is a fake; a copy made by me. Except one thing... the artifact."

"Artifact... considering this is a fake Camelot, could it be-"

"You talk too much." She covers your mouth with her hand. "You're cuter like this."

Mia slapped her arm away. "Don't touch him."

"My, you're so overprotective... but that won't make him like you, idiot." She said the last part only for Mia to hear.

"What was that?"

"Oh, would you look at that! Looks like we reached the next checkpoint in the story!"

The army stopped in front of... a single knight...

"HALT! You shall not pass! In the name of Sir Gawain, you shall never breach the line to the throne room!" The knight raised his blade and took a defensiveness stance.

"Y'all think he'd beat the army?" You look at Eis and Mia.

Mia shakes her head no, while Eis sighs.

"What an annoying imbecile. Is this what they call a 'filler'?"

"Oh c'mon Eis, he's trying his best!" You say with a chuckle.

Eis steps forward and confronts the Knight.

"Eis what are you-" You ran after her.

"Wait, is that you Que-" In a single motion of her arm, the Knight got swallowed by a wave of blue mist.

Once it dispersed, the Knight vanished completely.


"Let's move along now, the king must be waiting." Eis nonchalantly walked forward, towards the castle doors and opened them without issue.

"Uh..." While the army advances forward, you remain standing still, completely confused on what in the hell just happened.

"Oh don't look at me like that! He was an extra, so I went ahead and removed him!" She made a swiping motion while saying this.


"You're a bitch." Mia said from behind you while Eis happily walked into the castle.

Mia grabbed your arm and rushed after her into the castle.

Once you reached Eis, she stopped and looked at you in a serious manner.

"Y/n. I need you to listen to me."

"Why so serious all of a sudden?" You chuckle at her.

"You will die."

"Okay, I see we're not playing anymore..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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