Volume 3 - Chapter 2: The crow

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As JNPR and RWBY made their way toward the stadium, you went to the dorms. While you felt bad for not cheering them on, you could just watch it on the TV.

Besides, there is something more important than the tournament.


Floof leaped at you whilst making happy fox noises. You put her down and filled her bowl with fresh water.

You then turned on the TV to watch team JNPR fight. Floof jumped onto your bed and yawned, before curling up and going to sleep.

The story of how Floof went to stay with you was a rather unique one.

After a long discussion with Ozpin, he allowed you to take her in. Until now, only NVRM, _WBY and __PR know of her.

You like Nora, Jaune, Ruby and Zeke, but you won't do that to the poor little creature. For an animal that lived it's entire life in a forest, those four might be a bit too extreme.

You turned your attention to the TV, but the fight was already happening.

Jaune explained to his teammates a complex strategy, that rivaled that of RWBY. His teammates looked around confused, clearly not knowing what their leader wanted.

Jaune facepalms, before telling Nora to 'smash'. Nora grew a devilish smirk, before lunging at her opponent's. They only looked in horror at their inevitable demise.

"Isn't Pyrrha the strongest? Feels more like Nora is JNPR's MVP..."

Floof looked at you and yawned. You pat her on the head.

Through the open window you hear an Airship flying over you.

You looked at the design...

"Oh god... it's the Ice Queens goddess." Floof hid under your blanket.

Time-skip - brought to you by Chibi-Y/n throwing pudding at a normal Sol.

You arrived at the landing spot, searching for any sign of the Atlesian soldier. When suddenly...

"Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?" Hehe... she said boob.

"Hah, SHE SAID BOOB!" You pointed at her. She looked at you, her eyes widening before returning her attention to Weiss.

"Y/n! Uhm... oh, and there is Ruby." She said Ruby's name in a much less excited manner than yours.

Ruby pushes the bump on Weiss' head back inside. Ouch...

Winter eyed Ruby intensely. "I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming."

"Uh... thank you." Ruby said nervously.

"Greetings, Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister."

"Oh! Uh, yes, of course! The honor is in my... court!" She salutes and bows at the same time, causing her to almost lose balance.

"Now." Winter turned to you.

You smiled at her. To be fair, you never really followed the Schnee's rules. Even back then, only Hugo could make you act as one should near them.

"Well, Y/n, you have changed quite a bit and yet... you haven't." She smiled with the typical Schnee smile.

"Hey! Are you making fun of my height!? I'll have you know that I'm still growing!"

She giggled slightly. "I would never. Anyways, where is Hugo?"

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