Prologue - Part Two

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Timeskip - 1 Year - Age: 5

Your P.O.V.

From there on out everything looked a bit brighter. You started to train under Summer, along a Kid called Hugo, he was from the Village your Mother told you about. He was protective of  you, like a big Brother. You left the Village after about 3 Weeks of Training and Helping out. The Villagers treated you like one of their own. Right now, you and Hugo are seeing off Summer, so she can end her Mission

Summer: "I'll miss you both so much!"

She Hugged both of you while tearing up

Hugo: "Jeez, it's not like we'll never see each other again. Don't worry, i'll keep an eye on Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey!"

Hugo/Summer: "*Laughter*"

Y/N: "But he's right! We'll see each other again, i'm sure of it!"

Summer: "Aww, i'm sure you and Ruby would've been great friends"

Hugo: "Hah, i've a feeling we'll be meeting them on our Journey"

Summer: "Yeah it's a deal. Well, then i'll be off! See you"

She got on the Bullhead and you waved them, until they were out of sight

Hugo: "Well, should we head off as well? 

Y/N: "Yep!"

You both headed off into the Forest, leaving your makeshift camp behind.

Timeskip - 2 Months

You and Hugo have been Traveling across the Continent, meeting and Leaving behind People, learning new things on a Daily Basis. Some would think a 5 and 7 Year Old traveling all alone would be Dangerous, but they don't know about Hugo's Semblance. Electricity. He's able to Speed up himself and Electrocute the area plus himself, only leaving Dark Blue Lightning behind.

A/N: Imagine Killua from HunterxHunter

Because of that, he's able to protect the both of you on your Journey. Right now you're Battling a Horde of Beowolves

Hugo: "Don't let your guard down!"

Y/N: "Right, let's roll"

You both start rushing in different directions, Hugo with his Longsword and you with your Sickles

You both start rushing in different directions, Hugo with his Longsword and you with your Sickles

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A/N: Imagine the Blade being Red. They can transform into a Scythe, you're just too weak to use it right now, and also have no Experience with it

You started slashing at one and dodged it's claw while doing so, you took the other one and rammed it in it's Back, tearing through it's Jaw and Back while using your strength to drag the Sickles downward. It's started Roaring and fell to the ground disintegrating into ash. While this Happened, Hugo Slashed through three and didn't notice a fourth lunging at him, pinning him to the Ground. You started to run towards them, only to be tackled down by an Alpha. You tried to grab your sickles but failed to do so, as they fell out of reach. Hugo, now fighting the Beowolf from before, saw this and tried to save you, only to be forced back by said Beowolf. The Alpha reeled back it's claw, ready to finish you, while you saw the smiling face of your Mother before your eyes. You waited for the inevitable, only to be met with nothing but a Dark Black mist, with Red glowing inside of it. Out of it, came a young, Blue haired man.

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