Prologue - End of All

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Timeskip - 3 Months - Age 6

From there on out you trained more and more, growing stronger everyday. Kaz kept his Promise, introducing you to Qrow Branwen, or how you called him "Uncle Birb". You didn't knew he could transform into a Crow, but you knew his Semblance. He already knew you, since he was friends with your Father, so the fact you would address him as Uncle always made him smile. Hugo always trained with you, never leaving your side. Kaz, unbeknownst to you, always watched you as well. From time to time he would even come out and help you train... or at least it seemed that way. It was probably also to Qrow from teaching you any Swear-words, though you didn't mind. It went this way for about a Year, before you went to Atlas.

Timeskip - 1 Year - Age 7

After you're training with Qrow was finished, and had controll over your scythe, which you called Soulless Rose, with the Sickles Called Withered and Scattered,

After you're training with Qrow was finished, and had controll over your scythe, which you called Soulless Rose, with the Sickles Called Withered and Scattered,

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Kaz decided to take it up a Notch taking Hugo and you to Atlas, where you would be trained to strengthen your Semblance's. Your "Master" as you would call him was Jacques Schnee. He wasn't the Nicest, but apparently he owed Kaz something. Since you didn't knew what your Semblance was, you could only train your Aura, while watching Jacques training Hugo, making his Semblance stronger. Since this wasn't much for you, you didn't had much to remember. Except one certain Night.

Jacques thought that it would lift your spirit to go to a Gala with him... or at least thats what he Claimed, you were forced to wear Suits and Masks and watch his Daughter: Weiss Schnee. This night was memorable for you, because Weiss taught you how to Dance. You didn't want to but you had to since Jacques said: "Being on a Dance Field is like being on a Batttlefield; only those who are Gracefully are Memorized" and since Hugo wanted you to have a Friend he made you do it.

Y/N: "Weiss?"

Weiss: "... Do i know you?" she looked at you a little weird

Y/N: "Oh, my name is Y/N, i saw you all alone and thought you could use some Company" She Scoffed

Weiss: "Well, you thought wrong. I. Am. Fine." She turned away from you

Y/N: "But i'm not" She looked at you Surprised. "You see, there is this Girl i want to dance with, but i don't know how. Do you think you could show me?"

Weiss:"... Why me?"

Y/N: "Well... you look... like you know?" Hugo face-palmed at this "And besides, everyone need a friend!" She just looked at your smile for a Second

Weiss: "Friends?"

Y/N:"Yes, now, will you show me? Pretty please?" You tried to give her puppy-dog eyes through your Mask

Weiss: "Fine" You were happy to hear this and silently Cheered with Hugo. She then proceeded to show you how to dance. She would laugh every time you would mess up... and you could swear that Hugo did as well. After the Training you were pretty decent, what you, Hugo and Weiss didn't know, was that Jacques stared at you murmuring about something. Afterwards, Weiss Turned to you: "Now who was this "Girl" you wanted to dance with?"

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