Volume 4 - Chapter 5: Downward spiral

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"...ake... p" You felt someone shaking you.

"Wake up." You opened your eyes to see a rather worried pair of silver eyes stare at you. "C'mon! We need to hurry!"

"What's up?" You had a major headache and a sore throat, but nothing that would stop you.

"Uncle Qrow needs help!" You looked past her and saw your father putting Qrow on his back. You saw his wound bleeding purple. Probably the toxin.

"Alright, let's go..." You got up groggily and stretched. "We need to find a doctor... maybe I'll get something for this fever too."

With that, all of you started to continue the journey.

Time-skip - brought to you by Chibi-Y/n holding his head while Qrow coughs

"Just hold on, Uncle Qrow." Ruby looked at her passed out uncle.

Your father was carrying Qrow on his back, Ruby and Jaune were right behind them. Ren is before them on the path, leading the way while Nora brings up the rear. Qrow is groaning in pain and is a touch delirious.

"Tai. She's not... coming..." Qrow grunted in his sleep. "Tai." He coughed repeatedly, which made you cough as well.

"He's getting worse." Jaune looked at you. "And you're not looking too good either.

"I'll be... fine. He's the one with poison in his blood."

"You shouldn't take a fever so lightly." Ren butted in.

Ruby looked concerned at her uncle. "How much farther?"

"We've gotta be close." Nora answered.

"Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something." Ren holsters StormFlower.

"What is it?" Ruby asked worried.
Ahead of you all is a fork in the road.
Kuchishani and Mistral are to the right, where the land is mountainous. To the left is Kuroyuri, its name crossed out. The path that way remains low ground.

"Hey, hey! Mistral! We're on the right path! Oh..." Nora seemed to freeze at the the sign.

Ruby perks up at this. "Does it say how close?!"

"No. And it looks like the path takes us up the mountains." Ren answered.

Jaune looks at Qrow and you. "Guys, I don't know if all of us can make that climb."

Ruby looks at Qrow, concerned, before rushing forward to the signpost.

"Okay. Well, what about this place?" She points at the sign "Kuro... Kuroyuri? Can we get help there?"

Jaune approached the sign.

"That village was destroyed years ago." Ren said, much to your confusion. How did he know that?

Jaune turns to Ren. "But if it takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got."

"It will take too long." The look in Ren's face looked serious. There is definitely something he's hiding from you.

"The town would have had a doctor, right? Maybe we could scavenge for medicine!" Ruby tried to argue.

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