Volume 5 - Special Encounter

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You were on your way to get some groceries after yesterday's meal.

You didn't want to do this, but Qrow forced you to. Since you're 'The oldest boys here'.

If he wouldn't have drunk so much alcohol then he wouldn't have a hangover right now and could move his own stupid as-

"Y/n?" You turn to Jaune, who was sent along with you and Ren. "Does the list say we need Bacon?"

"The list doesn't..." You sigh.

"But Nora does." Ren sighed too.

"Alright, then let me get some!" Jaune sprinted down the markets, completely ignoring the fact you were already placed next to a butcher.

"Ugh, this is so BORING! Why did WE have to do this? Ruby literally has a speed semblance!"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have the exact same semblance?"

"Y'know Ren, no one uses logic anymore. And I dont appreciate you trying to bring it back."

Ren gave out a chuckle at this.

You continued to walk down the street, until Jaune came back with the Bacon.

"Guys, you won't believe this! This was the last piece they had! Nora is gonna be so happy."

"... Good job bro." You patted his back.

Ren tapped you on the shoulder. "Shouldn't we tell him?"

"Meh, no harm done."

"So, we got most stuff now?" Jaune asked both of you.

You pulled out the list. There was a burn mark on every item you've collected so far.

"We only need some Milk, Cookies and... Neapolitan Ice cream?" You looked at the list in confusion.

"I haven't gone insane, right guys? This... didn't use to be there..." On the list, in a different handwriting, it says 'Neapolitan Ice Cream ;)'.

"I... don't think it was." Ren grabbed the list.

"Are you playing a prank on us Y/n? You just wrote that on there, right?" Jaune started sweating slightly.

"I don't even have a pen with me. Why do you think I burned the ones we already got?"


You took back the list. "Keep your guard up. Someone's using a semblance to mess with us."

"G-Guys, I don't like this." Jaune tightened the grip on his sword.

"Stay close to each other." Ren advised.

You all heard a giggle from your right.

Ren went closer to investigate, but the moment he stepped behind a crate, you noticed something.

"Ren, wait!" You sprinted and grabbed Ren by his wrist.

Suddenly, the entire Market street shattered like a mirror, revealing Ren one step away from falling down a cliff.

Jaune screamed out in shock. "What the?!"

Ren and you both quickly stepped away. "That was close! Thank you, Y/n."

You gave him a quick nod and took out your Scythe.

"Who is-" Jaune screamed out, but you interrupted him.

"It's her."

Suddenly, a clapping sound emerged from an empty alleyway.

As you all turned toward the sound, a small rock was thrown at Jaune.

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