Volume 2 - Part 9: Internship

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One week after the incident, everyone was back in the hall, choosing their internships.

Team NVRM was seen standing in front of a machine, or more precisely, their options.

"So..." Zeke perked up. "What kind of ship will we go on?"

"Not a ship, you idiot. INTERNship. We'll work under professional Huntsmen, they'll be our Teachers." Sol pointed out with a harsh undertone, making Zeke look down.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" Zach gave a stare towards his leader. "You've been pretty moody lately. Are you that upset about Y/N being better then you?"

"Tch, that idiot busted his own Vocal cord, someone as dumb as him could never be better then me!"

"You wanna run that by me again?" You walked up behind him.

"Y/N!!!" Zeke tackled you in hug, sending you to the ground with a grunt.

"Urgh... Zeke, Nora, Ruby... No matter which team, I ALWAYS get tackled..."

Zach took your hand and helped you up. "Yeah yeah, woe is you. Your little girlfriend has been worried sick about you, y'know?"

"Sorry, I'm single as far as I know. Besides, Ruby is more of a... Fighter, then a Romancer... Romancee? Ah, doesn't matter."

"Who said I meant Ruby?"

"Who else could ya have meant?"

"... um... Mia?"


Mia glanced over to you. "Oh. I was heartbroken."

"You could at least act like you had emotions!" You yelled at her.

"Eh, too much work~" She stretched. "What mission will we be doing?"

Sol beep-booped on the panel. "We'll... support a Huntsman! Hmmm... The Bloodmoon! A S-Class Huntsmen! Perfect!"

"The hecks a Bloodmoon?" You tilted your head.

Zeke eyed you. "You don't know Bloodmoon!? He's a Hunter of Huntsmen! And the coolest to boot!"

"A... Hunter of Huntsmen?"

Zach bumped in. "A Hunter of Huntsmen, or commonly called, Reaper. As the Name suggests, the Hunt Huntsmen, or more accurately, Huntsmen gone rogue."

You shuddered at the thought of people hunting people. "When a Huntsmen goes Criminal, Berserk or just straight up insane, they Hunt them down. Bloodmoon is one of the most famous ones. He struck down hundreds of Rogues. Apparently, he disappeared once, but he ultimately came back after a few years."

"Huntsmen hunting Huntsmen... unbelievable... Well, I hope you have fun with him, I'm stuck with Chrome."

"Huh? I thought you two were close?" Zeke looked up at you.

"We are... but something's off... Hm, he and I will manage it. See ya." You walked away from them while waving. They all said their goodbye.

You saw team RWBY in the Background, but more importantly... Bun-Bun! You decided it's time for fun!

Over at RWBY and CVFY...

"Oh, don't worry. You're first years so you won't be- WOAH!" You hugged Bunny-girl senpai from behind.

"Bun-Bun! Did you miss me!?"

"AHH!? Y-Y/N? Oh! Yeah, of course I did!" You got off her, allowing her to see you.

"Y/N!? YOU'RE FIIIIINE!!!" Ruby tackled you down.

"Oww... Why me?" This time, Yang helped you up.

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