Volume 2 - Part 1: How to start a Food-Fight

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A/N: New Volume. New Opening. Same shitty Author. I actually look more forward to this, since there will be more Combat. It's pretty boring if it's only talking, isn't it? 

EDIT: I F'd up! There should be a choice! To make it up, I'll make two Chapters next week (Friday and Monday). I'm so sorry.

Join RWBY on their investigation

Join NVRM on an Adventure

Train with Chrome

Hope you all have a nice day/evening.

Inside Beacon academy, more accurately in the Cafeteria, Team NVRM, _WBY and Y/N wer sitting on a table, doing... Student things?

"What'cha doin', Sol?" Yang slid over to Sol, who was scribbling in his... Diary?

"I'm thinking of strategies to attack with my team. Can't let Y/N outshine me as a leader." He gave you a glare.

"You still beating yourself up over that? That was back at Initiation..." You sweat-dropped at the thought.

"Ugh~" Yang slid back to blake

"What'cha doin'?"

"Nothing, just going over notes from last semester." She closed her book.

Yang catched a gape in her Mouth. "Lame"

Ruby walked in, giving an enormous heave as she slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard, and for your lunch to leap a feet off the table before landing back, perfectly in order.

"What is that, Ruby?" Zeke peered over the table, and on the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker, and with the same marker, a new title, 'Best Day Ever Activities', has been written underneath. Ruby coughed to catch everyones attention.

"Sisters, Friends... Weiss."


"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream." A score is twenty Years, isn't it? She's a bit to old to be a Huntress.

"This ought to be good." She catched another grape in her Mouth and gave a thumbs up.

You looked at your plate. Chocolate pudding. No one looked at you. This was your Chance.

"YEET!" You yeet the Chocolate Pudding at Sol. You hit his Uniform, making him look in terror at his assailant. In fact, everyone looked at you in shock... They also moved away from you a little.

"By the gods! Why!?" He took a napkin. Weiss moved away from you, while Zeke handed you his Pudding. Sol looked at him betrayed. "Why...?"

"Anyways," You clapped your hands together. "You were saying, Red?"

"I- I had a dream. A dream that one day, all of us will come together, as a big team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!"

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Sol yelled, futile.

"Did you steal my binder?"

"I am not a crook." She made two peace signs

"Wait, what are we talking about?" Blake chimed in.

"I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" She points her finger at Blake.

"I always kick my semesters off with a Yang!" She looks around her hoping to for an approval of her joke, but only you and Zeke giggled.

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