Chapter-48: 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗

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𝑰𝒈𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔

𝞛𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩❞

All your endless sad memories I will, I’ll take it--- I’ll burn it.

The ravenette wakes up from his deep slumber when the nutty aroma of coffee invades his senses, eyes flutter open as his hand immediately extends upon his side, in process to find his lover.

With a jolt, Jeongguk sits up as his head snaps on his side, finding himself alone on the bed yet it is warm----someone was here, with him---by his side, last night.

A smile tugs upon his lips when he remembers that Taehyung was indeed here, last night was not a dream and neither was an hallucination----for once, reality seems blissful.

Soon Taehyung enters the room holding a mug filled with coffee as he walks towards the ravenette who sighs in relief----a relief that washes upon his soul.

"Good morning." Taehyung beams, sitting by the end of bed. The ravenette doesn't replies, just keeps his gaze darted on his lover, no words can express his happiness and relief, the calm that has rested upon his soul is indescribable.

Taehyung is his calm----also the storm.

Some people tend to find the peace and some tend to search for enigma that can be explored----for Jeongguk ;  Taehyung is his chaos in peace.

Just by his presence, Jeongguk feels calm----within a simple touch---Jeongguk feels hurricane inside him.

Taehyung is an enigma and Jeongguk wants to stay lost in him.

"Where were you?" Jeongguk asks after a moment, aware of the answer but wants to hear it.

"I made coffee for you, taste it." Taehyung says, eyes shining with excitement and Jeongguk wants to lose himself in those intoxicating eyes.

The ravenette grabs the mug before sipping on it----- intoxicating, Jeongguk feels intoxicated after tasting it.

" You don't like coffee---"Jeongguk frowns, processing his thoughts before sipping once again as Taehyung runs his tongue over his lips, eyes following each movement that the ravenette makes.

"but this coffee is amazing." Jeongguk mumbles, baffled as Taehyung chuckles.

"thank you very much." Taehyung flashes his boxy smile while the ravenette leans forward.

"how can that be possible?" Jeongguk asks, playfully while Taehyung hums in response.

"Maybe because I made it bitter---just like your soul." Taehyung scrunches his nose as he replies, Jeongguk raises his eyebrow in doubt before placing the mug over the table as he grabs the younger and yanks him on top of him.

Taehyung gasps under his breath as he hovers on top of the ravenette as Jeongguk keeps his hands firmly pressed against his waist.

"bitter like my soul?" Jeongguk asks, voice toning with amusement as Taehyung nods before leaning closer to his ear.

" have you ever tasted my soul?" Jeongguk asks as Taehyung laughs.

"Yes, I have and it's bitter!" Taehyung exclaims but shrieks when the ravenette flips him, now staying on the top.

They share a gaze filled with dare and amusement, thrill running down their spines.

No words are exchanged, eyes locked with each other----the softness they share can be witnessed by the moment---a moment of love, for them----they spend an eternity in this mere moment.

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