Chapter-29: 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚕𝚎

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Ignore the mistakes


「sometimes I struggle in this place. 」

Isn't it quite ironic how things change within a moment. Basically, your mind gets clouded with thoughts and memories of your beloved ones---ones that made you suffer, feel pain but then again, they are there----they are the cause of your suffering---but they own a place in your heart that no one could ever take over.

The ravenette wouldn't say that he can't live without somi--- he is doing quite fine without her-----he realizes, it wasn't love that made him suffer this much----it was the loneliness, fear of being alone even in crowd----fear of losing yourself in the rush of people.

But then, in middle of nowhere--- he found Taehyung.

The fear of loneliness was slowly fading away----Taehyung made it.

Taehyung knew exactly how it felt being betrayed, he was well aware of the pain that Jeongguk was going through and was the first person to make the ravenette believe that...

crying never meant weakness.

The person who never cried once----not in front of others----the pain bottled up deep inside the ocean of loneliness---Taehyung opened it.

Made Jeongguk cry----cry in front of him---made him let out all the pain out in form of tears, Jeongguk might have been drunk but he is glad that he cried.

Taehyung has always been the light of his darkness.

Taehyung has always been there for him, never left him and Jeongguk would do anything to hold tightly on Taehyung-----he has no plans on letting go.

Watching Taehyung stare at him with such softness in his eyes makes his heart flutter----his breath turns raged and his mind goes crazy.

"Taehyung, can I ask you a question ?" he asks, voice husky with eyes dazed---the younger frowns.

The younger nods a little before resting his chin on his hand, eyes have a tantalizing glint----a challenging one and Jeongguk fucking loves it.

"what will you do if Haru would be alive-" he pauses, eyes searching for any type of expression in Taehyung's eyes but finds none-- just softness.

"and if you find out that -" Jeongguk stops, can't speak anymore.

"he cheated on me?" Taehyung chuckles at himself for saying that out so carelessly.

Jeongguk nods, fingers fidgeting under the table as his eyes remain darted on the male who softly sighs and answers.

"I would have probably slapped him twice, then break up I guess." Taehyung tilts his head to side, eyes trail off from the ravenette now on the plants placed by the window.

"I don't think I can force someone to feel the same way like I do, but I would definitely ask him one thing -" he inhales sharply, his heart feels light.

"did he ever adored any memory of us as together? If losing me doesn't means anything for me----then it's already over." Taehyung smiles, eyes the ravenette who seems astonished.

"I mean, yeah I had that phase in my life where I just was heartbroken and betrayed but I'm not going to live that way---no one should." Taehyung utters, his voice never wavering.

The ravenette slowly wraps his hand around Taehyung's on the table, giving it a light assuring squeeze, snapping the male back to reality.

" oh my god, I speak too much. You definitely got bored. "Taehyung turns red as the ravenette shakes his head.

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