Chapter-3: 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝

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Ignore the mistakes pwease 💜


Clouds conquering all over sky spreading agony and sadness all around it as if expressing Taehyung and Jeongguk's feelings.

Taehyung has never felt this way - - just once back in time and he shudders at the harsh memory, tears never running dry as if meant to roll down from those rosey cheeks which have stained.

Seokjin books an hotel room since it's too late and due to bad weather all the flights have been delayed, Taehyung hasn't calmed, not even a bit.

"Taebear please stop crying" Seokjin sighs, his heart shatters watching his brother crying for someone who does not deserves the precious tears. Seokjin will make sure to meet Jeon Jeongguk and talk briefly about the 'cheating' part.

"Haru left me?" Taehyung asks innocently, his big doe eyes shining from the tears, sparkling with a shine that has only pain in it.

"How could he break his promises!" Taehyung snaps, his throat getting groggy at this point.

"I don't want to be here, take me back. Haru must be waiting for me" Taehyung mumbles slowly, stands up and rushes towards the door but before he can leave - - - Seokjin grabs his wrist.

"Haru is not waiting for you, so stop acting like a fool and get this in your mind that Haru is dead, he isn't coming back no matter how long you wait for him" Seokjin's voice has anger, irritation and concern. Taehyung needs to affect it, the faster the better it would be.

"Haru is n-not" Taehyung stutters and Seokjin leaves his wrist.

"Fine, you want to go? Then go." Seokjin says, his eyes narrowed, there is softness in his voice and in his eyes.

"But what will you do if Haru isn't there? What if he hasn't come back yet, what will you do then? Keep waiting for him to come back?" Seokjin bitterly states, Taehyung gulps.

"You will keep waiting for him even when you have seen his dead body!" Seokjin raises his voice, frustration filled in his veins and Taehyung flinches.

"But remember Taehyung, if you leave this room for Haru - - - then you will only come back heartbroken." Seokjin warns.

"I don't want you to get hurt. Cry - - cry all you want but don't leave me like this, please" Seokjin's voice contains vulnerability - - fear of losing his brother. Taehyung sniffs as he is left conflicted.

"hyung" Taehyung calls out with the most softest and vulnerable sound. Seokjin slowly opens his arms and Taehyung runs, feels the warmth and secure feeling in his arms.

"He left me, he was promised -" Taehyung keeps repeating as Seokjin brushes his hairs softly.

"Promises are what we break - - memories are what breaks us, haunt us" Seokjin sighs.

That night, after long - - Seokjin sleeps with Taehyung, hugs him tightly and let's Taehyung feel warmth in this dark night filled with cold.

In middle of night, by the loud thunderstorm roaring wakes Taehyung up, flinching badly as he looks at Seokjin who looks peaceful, let's him sleep and steps out. Out of the hotel watches the cars passing the street.

Taehyung has no idea where he is going ----- he just walks where his heart leads him in a smaller hope of finding Haru. In middle of the road with no cars - - - he walks completely dazed, his cloths already drenched by harsh pouring of the clouds having no mercy over him.

A car comes his way, the flashlight making Taehyung eyes to flutter shut as his hands lift up to cover his face and a series of honking is heard. The loud screeching of the tires is heard and the car stops just few feets away from hitting Taehyung.

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