Chapter-25 : 𝙱𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚐𝚎𝚜

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I don't proof read the chapters, I instantly publish it so please, ignore the mistakes, I would appreciate it!


But I'll stick through it---Oh, I swear

The ravenette waits for the perfect moment before he can dash inside the familiar shop, he's been waiting outside for last one hour.

When the customers leave, Jeongguk makes it quick to move inside and lock the door behind, before changing the sign and step forward.

"we need to talk." he mutters lowly as the younger turns around, mildly surprised.

Taehyung had been avoiding Jeongguk on purpose and not even within two weeks-- here he stands, looking not very calm.

"Jeongguk, what are you- why are you here?" Taehyung clears his throat, trying to sound as calm as possible even when from inside he's freaking.

The ravenette steps forward with a raise of his eyebrow, not liking it.

"You've been giving me a cold shoulder." He grumbles, not happy at all making Taehyung to nibble upon his lip, processing his words before speaking.

"You misunderstood, that's all." Taehyung replies, looking away before walking towards the table arranging the things.

"Have I done something to offend you?" Jeongguk's voice turns soft and small---- as if he's ready to apologize even when he's done nothing wrong, willing to do anything just to get Taehyung talk to him.

"Jeongguk please-" Taehyung says but the ravenette interrupts him.

"You have been ignoring my calls, last time I visited here was one week ago----you seemed to not recognize me at all, have I done something wrong to get treated this way?" Jeongguk's voice turns desperate in the end.

Taehyung tightens the grip around pen, heart pounding fast----guilt rushing through his veins mixing with his blood.

"You came for something?" Taehyung sounds emotionless---atleast he tries to. Walking back to the counter but Jeongguk doesn't let's him, grabs his arm softly making him halt his steps, still not facing him.

"You can't even look me in eyes, is this how badly---you want to get rid of me?" Jeongguk whispers, voice wavering in end and Taehyung swiftly looks up, gaze darted in those beautiful dark eyes filled with so many wonders which always leaves him mesmerized, lost.

The moment their eyes lock, time seems to stop----- breathing raged and heart tends to beat faster than it is suppose to be. The rush down his spine makes Taehyung feel things that he isn't suppose to feel----- the touch sparks lights in him which scares him---reason being unknown.

Feelings, always leave you in a complete mess, sometimes it's the situation and sometimes it's you .

"let go of me" Taehyung mumbles, hazy is his sound----soft are his eyes, a spark shines in them and Jeongguk seems bewildered.

"Taehyung, what happened? Is this about what we did that night?" Jeongguk asks slowly, reminding him of the night when Taehyung was drunk and they did things.

Limits were crossed, maybe limits never were there-----limitless was the moment and so were them.

A limitless moment with emotions which have no barriers---never had them, infinite was the moment enough for both of them to live the moment---like they want to live.

A moment of freedom from all pain and fear that had been holding them, the limits were an imaginary line which they made and hence, they stepped out of it.

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