Chapter-19: 𝚆𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎

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Ignore the mistakes 💜


Heavy were the lids of his eyes when the pretty boy tried to open them, pain was what he felt when he tried to make any movement and a hand was what he felt----tightening around his own hand, intertwined it was and warmth was what he felt in his heart.

"slowly" Jeongguk instructs when the pretty boy tries to sit up, leans forward to position the pillow behind his back, making it comfortable for Taehyung to lay back.

They still are holding hands and that's what makes the pretty boy smile. Everything that happened moments ago is long forgotten.

"How are you feeling?" Jeongguk asks, eyes boring and there is-----care hidden in them, Taehyung can feel it.

"hurts" he mumbles, lips popping out in a pout, lowering his gaze to their hands, stares at them and feels a relief washing through his body.

"hurts? Is it too much, should I call the doctor----oh wait, eat the pills or wait try apple" Jeongguk blabbbers out, eyes scanning for the object.

"Apple, you think that's gonna make feel better?" Taehyung raises his eyebrow in doubt as the ravenette smirks, picks the apple from the side table and shows it to him.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away, babe" the ravenette grins as Taehyung laughs out.

"You didn't just" Taehyung turns serious, Jeongguk takes a bite while the pretty boy snatches it away, glares at him.

"It's dirty! Spit it out and don't---don't eat it!" Taehyung moves forward as Jeongguk blinks, chewing onto his bite, moves back until he swallows it all down his throat.

Taehyung gasps at that, such a brat.

"Take it out" Taehyung sternly demands while Jeongguk laughs.

"I swallowed it-"

"when I told you not to." Taehyung interjects with a glare, the ravenette scoffs.

"I can't believe, go away."Taehyung pushes the ravenette slightly who gapes.

" I can't believe this is what I get for staying up all night for you "the ravenette whines, Taehyung's eyes soften as he looks at him.

He stayed-----he cares.

" You stayed up all night---for me? "Taehyung asks in a mere whisper as the ravenette's eyes turn wide, stays quiet.

The silence across them is a comfortable one,Taehyung waits for him patiently to speak because he is willing to wait----the reason will be worth it all.

" I couldn't help it, seeing you like this just didn't felt---good." he whispers, looks away as he gulps.

Taehyung feels his heart skip a beat, his eyes soften and glisten with a emotion that Jeongguk tries to not understand even when he can feel it---feel it in his veins. In his heart there is a spot-----which still beats and the reason shall not be declared yet.

"You were scared?" Taehyung asks, voice soft filled with tender, tilts his head to side and Jeongguk unconsciously tightens his grip on their intertwined hands----a squeeze.

"how could I not be? I saw you----saw it all happen right in front of me. My heart stopped beating when your eyes were closed----I was scared, so much--" Jeongguk gulps, his voice wavering in end as he pauses, looks at the pretty boy and speaks.

"I thought I lost you too" this makes Taehyung's heart ache, feels his stomach tighten and his breathing raged.

Lost you too.

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