Chapter-23: 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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Mature content.

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Rain of your tears .」

The ravenette feels his heart drop in the pits of his stomach as blood runs across his body mixed up with a tingling sensation down his spine, jolting waves of pleasure and shivers, hands itching to touch the younger.

Hands move high until they are safely locked around the petite's waist, securely just like a habit that he has recently adopted, pulling Taehyung closer with the tilt of his head just a move to deepen the kiss, feels the clutching of Taehyung's hands around his shirt with the tight squeeze of his eyes.

Magical is the perfect word to describe the feeling, the softness of younger's lips on his own, grazing them softly with the little bit of his teeth pulling it out only to suck on it making Jeongguk groans, tighten his grip around the waist making Taehyung yelp in surprise.

The breathing that hits their faces when they break off the kiss, only to stare at each other and Jeongguk curses at hoe sinful Taehyung looks with hooded eyes filled with lust and want, a desperate look is shared between them and Jeongguk already knows what will happen next, even if Taehyung is drunk----- he isn't forcing him over anything, so it's right, right?

"I want more gukkie, please" Taehyung whispers seductively, a desperation hidden in his voice but clear in his eyes, the ravenette's fingers trail up to find the soft cheeks, carress it gently before speaking.

"tell me what you want Tae" He breaths out, the younger stays silent for awhile maybe because the words are stuck in his throat---how can he speak when those dark eyes have so much hidden in them, a mystery it is---Taehyung is ready to discover it.

Darkness-----Taehyung is afraid of dark, maybe more scared of the darkness hidden inside of him.

Everyone has darkness possessed inside of them and it's dangerous. Taehyung knows that if the darkness inside of him ever comes out----he will lose himself, the person he is right now may no longer exist.

In darkness, people tend to step on wrong paths, leading destruction----misguided and mislead.

"You, all of you" Taehyung replies, enough for the ravenette to understand his want and Jeongguk doesn't needs to be told twice.

The veiny arms hooks down under his thighs, picking the younger up only to be slammed against the wall as hot lips are pressed on his own, the kiss being a fierce one filled with passion and pleasure.

Taehyung gasps when he feels hands sliding inside his shirt, the fingers tickling against his skin making his arch his back at the sensation, eyes flutter shut with his head thrown back.

Jeongguk smirks at that, Taehyung seems to enjoy it so he leans forward and let's his lips get pressed against his neck, trailing soft kisses up till the back of his ear, sucking on the earlobe making Taehyung release a shrill sound which is erotic.

Hands get threaded on the raven locks, tugging on them roughly and the ravenette enjoys the pain, groans each time and takes his revenge with marking the neck, biting it rough enough to leave a purplish mark behind.

Though Taehyung's eyes snap open with a lewd noise that leaves from his lips when Jeongguk thrusts forward, their harden members pressing together jolting a wave of pleasure leaving both of them in shuddering mess.

"Jeon-gukk--ahh" Taehyung moans when the ravenette repeats his action, staring darkly at Taehyung who has a lewd expression on his face, enjoys it and let's it be carved up in his memory.

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