Chapter-32: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

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and I feel you, even when you are gone.

Taehyung loves this-----loves how Jeongguk holds him tight in his embrace, securely yet gently-----with such tender in his grip that makes Taehyung's heart race.

Waking up in this embrace feels warm----his heart being filled with warmth----a feeling that is new yet Taehyung is yearning for it, he always has been----his past was dark and cold but right now, Jeongguk melts him with his eyes----with his warmth makes Taehyung heart flutter.

The silver haired boy lifts his hand, placing it over the ravenette's cheek as his fingers carress the skin ever so softly, afraid to wake the other. Their naked bodies tangled together, under the duvet, all they can feel is the warmth---which they provide to each other.

Taehyung wants to kiss Jeongguk---wants to hug him tightly, wants to hold him----wants to tell Jeongguk that he's in love with him.

What exactly are they doing right now----kissing each other, sleeping together----yet nothing feels wrong, they are too focused on each other to tell what's wrong and what's not----they have each other, that's enough.

Taehyung moves to other side but yelps when Jeongguk pulls him towards himself, pushing his face in Taehyung's nape, nibbles on his lips, still sleeping yet unaware of the emotions that he has jolted inside Taehyung.

Taehyung sighs softly, carefully removing the ravenette's arms from his body as he grabs the robe placed on side, puts it on, his cheeks redden when he remembers what they did last night, during shower.

They did more than just taking shower.

The ravenette frowns when he feels his other side empty, eyes flutter open as he blinks his sleep away, gaze searching for Taehyung-----hates the feeling of emptiness, he always did.

Jeongguk doesn't wears his shirt, rather walks outside searching for other male, eyes concerning yet has fear in them----fear of losing something precious.

His breath returns back to normal when his eyes finally meet the male who is standing near the terrace , standing there as soft breeze brushing his strands making him look ever so ethereal.

Jeongguk stays inside, unconsciously taking his phone out and capturing the sight-----he thinks that Taehyung is not real, maybe it's just a dream----a beautiful one, angels appears in dreams, right?

For Jeongguk----Taehyung is an angel.

One that saw the pain inside of him, saw the most vulnerable sides of him yet stayed----even when Jeongguk gave him many reasons to leave, Taehyung still stayed by his side.

Then again, Jeongguk would name their bond as beautiful----but never name their relation-----because---

Within the next few moments, Jeongguk is dragging Taehyung inside saying that's it cold outside and the younger is only wearing the robe, which also has the cut revealing his thigh---and Jeongguk would love seeing Taehyung that way but inside the house, where only he can see it---only him.

Jeongguk brings the first aid box, picks the bandage and sits beside Taehyung, holds his arm gently before rolling the sleeve which reveals the deep cut which on his arm, Jeongguk hisses.

"does it hurt?" He asks, voice tender and eyes soft as he opens the bandage.
Taehyung stares him, doesn't speak.

Jeongguk wraps the bandage around the skin before applying ointment, pats his finger gently over the wound, with each pat he looks at Taehyung trying to find any pain---sighs in relief when he finds none.

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