Chapter-11: 𝙵𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍

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The fanart above is so cute uwu 💜

Ignore the mistakes

Third P. O. V.

Taehyung feels his thigh almost numb, his neck sore from the weird position he has been sleeping as he hears the loud yet calming chirping of the birds, his eyes flutter open which he rubs on gently with yus fist.

A yawn erupts on his lips as he stretches his arms only to hear a groan, he looks down and his heart escapes a beat when he finds the ravenette sleeping beside him with his head placed on his thigh.

No doubt it was numb for a reason.

"Jeongguk, wake up" Taehyung lightly pats on the ravenette's cheek who makes a grumpy face as shifts to left.

"five minutes more, please" Jeongguk lazily mumbles and frowns in his sleep when he feels the patting on his cheek again, this time he doesn't says anything--- he grabs Taehyung's hand and puts it close to his chest, a satisfied expression plastered on his face as he sleeps back.

Taehyung on other hand has his eyes widen in surprise, he can feel the warmth from Jeongguk's body, maybe because he's been sleeping? Or was it always this warm.

"Jeongguk, wake up. My thigh is numb" Taehyung mutters as the ravenette slowly opens his eyes, looks up and he jolts up, sits straight maintaining a distance between them, his hands slide into his hairs to which he strokes.

"my neck" Jeongguk groans when he feels the aching over his neck, tries to look at Taehyung who is already staring at him, concerned.

"should I grab your neck?" Taehyung mindlessly offers making Jeongguk to chuckle,shaking his head only to whimper in pain

"I would prefer to live rather than getting choked on" he jokes and Taehyung giggles, the sound blooming something in Jeongguk's heart.

"oh, I forgot!" Taehyung shrieks making Jeongguk look at him.

"good morning" Taehyung shyly says and Jeongguk smiles at how adorable he is. He feels a loud thump on his head, definitely the hungover.

"so.... yesterday?" Jeongguk asks, confused. A part of him scared for an unknown reason.

"You don't remember?" Taehyung frowns, almost disappointed. The ravenette gulps in anticipation.

"did I do something that will make me regret existing?" Jeongguk laughs embarrassingly. His eyes fall on Taehyung's wrist which is bruised, because of the harsh grip that Jeongguk did last night.

"Your wrist" the ravenette frowns, his hands hold for wrist as Jeongguk looks up at Taehyung who looks away.

"I did this, didn't I?" Jeongguk sounds embarrassed or maybe angry. Taehyung can't choose because it's the mixture.

"I tried to hurt you last night, I even tried to force you on bed -" Jeongguk's voice cracks in the end and before he can continue, Taehyung interjects.

"You did nothing." Taehyung assures but Jeongguk is shaking, his eyes show disgust----disgusted of himself.

" Jeongguk, look at me" Taehyung sighs, cups the ravenette's face who is trembling, guilt glinted in his eyes when they lock with Taehyung's.

"I really didn't meant to hurt you, I never intended on doing something so---disgusting." Jeongguk pauses his eyebrows furrow together as he stares at Taehyung. The ravenette raises his hands and places it on top of Taehyung's hand, on his face.

"I am not that type of person, I swear Taehyung, I didn't meant to - -"

"Jeongguk last night you cried" Taehyung interjects, sternly. Whatever he said maybe embarrassing for the ravenette but he feels a relief washing over him, he atleast didn't do something---bad

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