Chapter-27: 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚝𝚑

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Ignore the mistakes 💜!


「  I'm their devil, I'm their king」

Soft smiles adorning on their lips riding back home, Taehyung has rolled window down and in middle of of nowhere they drive.

Satisfied and almost calm, they don't talk because the silence is too comfortable for breaking, apart from their hearts racing.

"wanna stay with me tonight?" Jeongguk asks, hopefully.

"but I-" Taehyung stutters when Jeongguk interjects

"please, just tonight?" the ravenette pleads, voice soft and small as if afraid that the younger might leave.

He doesn't want to be alone---not tonight---definitely not tonight because...

Just the mere thought shudders himself, his breath caught up in his chest as the grip onto the steering wheel tightens.

"okay, let me inform hyung" Taehyung shyly replies, the ravenette finally can breath.

Parking the car, they walk together as Jeongguk unlocks the door.

Suddenly, the word home makes sense-----suddenly it feels warm and comfortable.

Taehyung takes his coat off as Jeongguk follows him behind, keeps his gaze darted on Taehyung----wants to see his reaction on almost everything---wants to capture it.

"I want pasta" Taehyung whines suddenly, the ravenette surely didn't saw that coming.

The younger turns around, eyebrows frowned together with an adorable pout playing on his plumpy, red---soft lips which look so kissable--

Jeongguk has felt the softness of them over his own, a feeling that leaves the ravenette shivering.

"Can you cook?" Taehyung asks, doubtfully with a tilt of his head as Jeongguk wraps his arms around his chest, eyes shining with mischievous.

"Yes, but why should I?" He smirks, teasingly as Taehyung scoffs before walking closer to him.

"Because I'm the guest, you are the host----kinda makes sense." Taehyung replies with same mischievousness in his tone.

The ravenette opens his mouth a little, before running his tongue over them, a habit when he is amused.

"Are you---are you a guest?" Jeongguk leans closer, where they both can feel the hot fanning over their faces--- where their hearts starts to accelerate.

Taehyung seems dazed---unable to speak from the close proximity and under the intense gaze of the ravenette yet he dares to reply.

"You invited me- treat me well Jeon" Taehyung gasps when the ravenette circles his arms around his waist, pulling him closer as his hands rest over Jeongguk's chest, eyes widen before batting his eyelashes.

"I can treat you better-- should I prove my words?" Jeongguk enjoys the flustered expression on Taehyung's face--makes him look so pretty.

The younger feels his cheeks heating up before he nods silently, giving Jeongguk every permission he is asking for.

" can you--can you make me see stars?"Taehyung asks in a breathy voice, Jeongguk's eyes widen slightly before he leans closer to his ear and whispers.

"I can do much better sweetheart, trust me---the real question is---" he pauses, licks the earlobe ever so eagerly causes Taehyung to shake and tighten his hand around Jeongguk's shirt.

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