Chapter Forty-Six

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Hi i wrote a book about Virtus Lux, the Bone Cutter from the 70's/80's! It's titled The Bone Philosopher in case you're interested in reading it. He's complicated, and cruel, and wholly tormented just like a celebrity killer should be, Inanis is just a special case.

I hope you enjoy ily

Chapter Forty-Six 

We eventually leave the party. The moment we get home, Inanis and I head to bed, and we barely lay down before falling right to sleep.

I'm woken by a soft buzzing on the hardwood floor. The room is still dark, and the clock reads 3:17. 

I groggily sit up, the buzzing seems to be getting louder. Leech is somewhere underneath the blankets, and squirms when I move. I glance over to see a light in Inanis's coat pocket. His coat had been discarded on the floor the moment we came home. I sigh, and get up from the bed, as it seemed Inanis wasn't going to wake up and get it.

I walked over to his coat, and pulled out the cellphone that was buzzing in the pocket.

The number calling wasn't one I knew, but whoever was calling this late at night, surely it had to be important. I climbed back in bed, the phone in my hand. I use my other hand to shake my husband awake. "Hey." I say, "Wake up you have a call."

He refuses to move.

"Inanis you lazy ass, wake up." I reached down to pull him to face me.

I hear him dramatically exhale, as is hand lifts up, "Give it to me."

I place the phone in his hand, and he doesn't even look at it as he throws it across the room. It hits the wall with a loud thud, and drops onto the floor. Leech jumps out of the blankets, and runs to it, only to sniff it once, get bored, and return back to the bed.

"You fucking idiot." I say, irritated that I had to wake up, and more irritated that he was acting like a child when it could be something important.

I again, hoist myself out of the bed, and retrieve the phone for a second time. This time, I answer it, because clearly my adult husband wasn't going to do it.

"Hello?" From the corner of my eye, I see Inanis shift. He's now staring at me, I can feel it.

It's a man's voice who answers, "Can I speak to Inanis Messor?"

"This is Mirea, his wife. Who is this?"

"I need to speak to your husband, ma'am, is he near?"

Frowning, I say, "Yeah, one moment."

I crawl back onto the bed, and reach the phone out. He doesn't take it immediately, "Take it." I say under my breath and he rolls his eyes.

"I wasn't the one who answered it."

"I swear to God, Inanis." 

He huffs, and grabs the phone from me, immediately he answers, "With whom do I owe the pleasure of a phone call at this delicious hour of the night?"

There was a silence in the room as the man on the other line of the call spoke to Inanis. I was curious as to what he was saying, but I couldn't make out a word.

"Is she dead?" Inanis asks, and when the man responds, he says, "Then why the fuck did you not wait until the morning to call? I do not care." He hangs up immediately, and drops the phone onto the floor near the side of the bed.

He lays back down, and I wait for him to explain, but when he doesn't, I have to ask, "What the hell was that about?"

"My mother." He states as if he was talking about the weather, "Her heart is a fragile thing." He pauses and then says, "Or a stubborn one, depending on how you feel about her."

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