Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I didn't wake up alone. Inanis wasn't in bed with me, nor was he anywhere in the room. Frankly, I don't remember ever hearing him get up and leave.  

But the crippling feeling of regret accompanied me like an old friend.

I should not have done that last night. I really should not have done that last night.

It was the biggest mistake I have ever made, and I knew I was going to get hell for it from Inanis.

He was never going to let me live it down, and for once, I don't blame him.

God, I wish I could go back to sleep and never wake up.

I pulled myself out of bed, and noticed Leech was also not in the room. I groaned, angry at Inanis for once again taking my dog. Angry at him for kissing me. Angry at myself for kissing back.

Endless slumber sounded like a dream.

I walked over to the closet and pulled out a random short sleeve grey dress with a dull white trim. The perfect colors to express my mood today.

I didn't bother with makeup, as I ran my hand through my hair a couple times before giving up and exiting the room.

Today, I just didn't care.

I walked through the hall and down the stairs of the oddly quiet house, where I found Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster sitting in the dining room. Inanis was glaring at Mrs. Lancaster, and she was glaring right back at him.

Mr. Lancaster looked at me, and I swear I've never seen such a large man look so relieved. "Ahh, Mirea." He said, and both Inanis, and Mrs. Lancaster turned their attention to me as I entered the room. "Good morning!"

"Good morning Mr. Lancaster." I forced a smile, "I hope I didn't miss anything too obstructive." I shot a threatening look at Inanis who gave me a smug grin in return.

"Of course not." Mr. Lancaster said, clearing his throat, "My wife seems to forget that this is a professional business meeting." He glared at her, and then returned to me with a broad smile, "I apologize for her misbehavior."

"No, no." I tell him, pulling a chair from across Inanis and sitting at the table, "I should apologize for my husband's attitude, I would say he's not a morning person, but he's not really a day person or a night person, really he's just awful always."

Inanis casually leaned back in his chair, "You know what the best part of being married is?" He said to nobody in particular, "Having a little barking rat nag at you every two seconds. It's really quite the life I've always fantasized."

I frowned, "Well, this little rat would gladly plague you with a lethal disease if it wasn't considered voluntary manslaughter."

He took a deep breath, "I do love the sound of your pitiful threats this early in the morning, they really do brighten my day," He leaned closer, mock enthusiasm shown on his face, "give me more."

"Go to hell."

"Take me there."

We glared at each other, I had almost completely forgotten that Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster were in the same room with us, if it were not for Mrs. Lancaster purposely clinging her mug of coffee against the table.

I turned back to the Lancasters, upset with myself for stooping to Inanis's level, and throwing insults in the middle of breakfast with guests.

I apologized to them, and gladly took the cup of coffee that was given to me by one of the kitchen staff. Anything to distract myself from Inanis's burning presence was welcome.

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