Chapter Fifty-four

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nobody was happy with the previous update, and i just want you all to know that i thrive knowing that

also sorry it took so long for this to come out. i have no excuse im just the worst


how many more chapters do we have? like 2 maybe 3, 4 if i make it dramatic enough

Chapter Fifty-four

I've never been in love before. Never before Inanis. I've had boyfriends, crushes, but never love. Most of my boyfriends, I've broken up with myself. Other boyfriends had called it quits, and I was over them within a day.

This felt entirely different.

It's been almost a month since the presidential killing. I've been uselessly laying at my father's home, with nothing better to do than to think about my decisions the past few months, and cry.

My father was trying his best to help me get over everything that had happened, but it feels almost impossible.

I avoid the television, any sort of news outlet. My father keeps the newspaper hidden from me, for good reason.

Walking down the stairs, my father, who was sitting on the couch drinking his coffee watching television, quickly scrambled for the remote and turned it off before I got down the stairs.

"Hey, hon," He said, lifting his coffee cup in salute, "Sleep well?"

We both know I didn't. I don't say anything in response, but instead, move to the kitchen and pour myself my own cup of coffee. I haven't eaten much since the divorce, and I feel like half the person I had been.

This past month has consisted of me doing nothing but mope, cry, and sleep. My father, who really is the best, has attempted to make me feel better multiple times by offering to take me hiking, camping, or even a vacation to Hawaii.

None of that sounded appealing, though. In fact, no place in the world sounded more appealing to me than hiding in my bed.

The world knows my face. They know me as the Harvester who couldn't fucking do her job. And I never will. I am no longer the Harvester. Inanis no longer belongs to me.

The hole in my chest only feels wider at the thought.

I was also incredibly aware of the date. August thirteenth. Inanis would be selecting his newest victim and announcing the name today. I would be standing beside him. I'd be currently getting dressed in the Harvester's gown. He'd be wearing his typical crimson Bone Cutter's coat. He'd look gorgeous in his jewelry, and expensive taste.

I lean my head on the back cushion of the couch, and sigh. I really have seemed to lose all meaning.

Who was I, before Inanis? I don't even remember.

I check the time, and see the clock reads 10:42. In a little over two hours, Inanis will be on television, announcing his next kill.

I suddenly feel irritated, and sick. "I think I'm going to go lay down." I don't want to leave my bed until I'm certain Inanis is off all television screens. I don't even want to hear his fucking name.

"Hon, you just woke up, why not go for a walk? Or you can come with me to the office, I'm sure I can find something for you to do-"

"No, I don't feel like it today." I give him my best attempt at a smile, "Thanks, though."

I stand, set my cup of coffee on the table, and walk back up the stairs to my familiar room that was so boring compared to ours back at Inanis's place.

His. It was only his room now.

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