Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

I wake up with Inanis laying beside me. I know he's not sleeping because his arm is tightly wound around my naked torso, and as I open my eyes, he pulls me even closer to him.

"Do I want to know how long you've been laying here staring at me?" I ask him, burying my face in my pillow.

"What hour is it?"  

"Ha-ha, hilarious."

He is so close I can feel his breath on my cheek, "It's not often I get to touch you naked."

"Don't get used to it."

"Too late for that."

"Shit, I've spoiled you."

"You really have, you're a terrible wife, I want a new one."

I sigh in my pillow, "I pity the girl who ends up with you."

"Isn't it funny that the girl is you."

"You're just full of humor this morning, aren't you?" I mumble and force myself to sit up. I groggily wipe my eyes and turn to stare at my shirtless husband sitting beside me. His body is gorgeous albeit, too thin, but still, he was flawless. And yet, a gorgeous body on a man has never been something that makes me weak. I make sure to hold a sheet up, covering my body.

It was the way he stares at me that makes me want to hide and kiss him all at the same time.

On television, or even in public, he's a masked stranger, a cruel, impassive man with all the power in the country right in the palm of his hand, but, with me, he is nothing but a little boy who craves the attention of a girl.

How strange it is.

"What's today's plan?" I ask, wishing he'd tell me nothing, so I could have a day to myself.

"Good or bad news first?"

"Don't play games with me."

He sits up, "Good news is, we are to have a private interview, as well as a public interview with the vice president today."

"That's good news?"

I watch him pull on a shirt, "It is when you hear the bad news."

I struggle to ask, "And what's the bad news?"

"The bad news," He explains, "is that afterwards we are to head straight to the white house, where we will be attending a party with the elites of the country. Isn't that exhilarating? Every American embodied poison all crowded in the same building. I hope we don't catch any diseases."

"I'm not familiar with the elites."

He grunted, "You're lucky." I watched him fix his hair, his shirt was still half-unbuttoned and I found it terribly attractive.

"Technically you are part of them." I tell him, "The elites I mean. In fact, you are probably at the top."

He gave me an unamused look, "I am nothing like them."

"Sure, sure, they all are manipulative, narcissistic liars, but all you do is murder people, which is totally not worse."

He stared at me for a long moment, took a deep breath, and said, "I regret not stabbing you last night."

"I regret you not stabbing me."

"We can always make amends."

"Perhaps another time." I get up from the bed and put on one of Inanis's shirts. Since my clothes were all in the closet of the guest bedroom, the last thing I wanted was one of Inanis's housemaids to see me completely naked through the halls.

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