Chapter Forty-Five

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Sorry it's been so long. All those chapters i bragged about writing in the last chapter have been deleted due to my computer suffering a stroke and dying and that broke my will to write more for a very long time.

anyway hi im back nice to see u i hope you're still here or at least 1 person is bc it's kinda late and i wrote this while listening to christmas music i don't even like christmas music that much but idk i just hope it's not a waste of time 

anyway thanks for coming back

Chapter Forty-Five

Not an hour later, we return to the party. Elias and Scarlett Parity leave me to find my husband, and it really wasn't that hard to find him. He was the center piece of the party. The most popular man in the country. If you wanted to find Inanis, just follow the crowd.

I sifted my way through the mass of people, and my husband, who was talking with some person I've never met, nor do I care to, made me pause when I looked at him.

How had I not acknowledged it sooner? He doesn't just look tired, he looks sick. The stress was in physical form on his body, and he looked more exhausted than I had assumed.

His head turned, and when our eyes met, his shoulders lifted, as if a new found energy spiked through his system. He cut the man off in the middle of his sentence, and strode over to me. His arm wrapped around my own, pulling me closely against his chest, making sure I wouldn't leave him again.

He leaned to whisper in my ear, "Where the fuck have you been?"

He did not sound happy.

I opened my mouth to respond, but I was stopped by another person, greeting Inanis as if they were friends. I don't have to know the person to know they've never met.

When they are finished talking, before anyone else could stop my husband, and spark conversation, I pull on his arm, wordlessly beckoning him to follow me.

To my surprise, he does.

I pull him out of the ball room, and down the long corridor of the building. There are a few couples leaning against the wall, dressed in the finest clothing, with wine glasses in their hands. They were talking with one another, laughing, and enjoying the silence of the hall, rather than the boisterous noise coming from the party.

I understood their need for quiet.

"Mirea." Inanis speaks up, as we exit the building, the cool night air as welcoming as the solitude.

"There is a pathway beside the building, we can walk it."

"Why the hell would we do that?"

I ignore him, and he doesn't stop us as we walk onto the path, and I intertwine my arm with his.

The stars aren't very prominent in the sky tainted by city light, but nevertheless, some persist through the industrial blinding, and appear brightly for us to see.

Inanis ruins the moment by rudely asking, "Are you ever going to fucking explain why you left me in there, alone?"

"You've been a Bone Cutter most your life, Inanis. We've barely known each other a year. How did you ever attend parties without me then?"

He didn't have an answer for me, and I didn't push it.

"Where did you go?"

Shame clenched my chest as I forced myself to admit, "Seeing my mother made me panic."

"I should kill her."

"Why? She'd never physically hurt me."

"I don't care about her hurting you, the mere sight of her caused you to run from me, and I'm not fond of that." I see him already planning a murder in his head. 

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