Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

The house was bigger than I ever could have imagined. Inanis's mother's house was nothing compared to it.

It was a mansion above all mansions, and it was overwhelming to say the least.  

Marble flooring, stone walls, multiple staircases leading to who knows where. The windows were painted colored glass, and there were numerous chandeliers in just one room.

It felt more like a castle than a house.

Inanis showed me to the guest bedroom. He told me that I was allowed to sleep in the guest bedrooms, unless we had company over.

Then we'd have to share a bedroom.

I asked him how often people came over to visit, and his response was, "You should be asking how often they don't."

Great. Just great.

Tonight, of course, was an exception. It was our wedding night, and the house would be empty. I cringed at the thought that everyone was assuming we'd be in bed together.

I'd rather die in front of the country.

Inanis told me that there would be no honeymoon. He said he didn't particularly care for romantic getaways, and I was relieved to find that on that, we both could agree.

Inanis left to his own bedroom, he didn't even bother to show me around the house, and honestly, I was so exhausted that I didn't even care. I slammed the door to the guest bedroom shut, and slipped off my clothes to something more suitable to sleep in. I climbed into the foreign bed and huddled up under the heavy blankets.

I wanted to cry, but I was too tired to even ponder about it.

I fell asleep. I didn't dream, and if I did I didn't remember it. After everything that has happened, that was probably a good thing.

I woke up to heavy movement beside me. I blinked open my eyes to find Inanis, laying beside me with one arm folded behind his head. In his other hand was his wedding ring, he twirled it through his fingers as he stared at the ceiling.

I gasped, sitting up so quickly I nearly fell out of the bed.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I shouted clutching the blankets as if they would shield me from his presence.

He glanced at me, "It's about damn time you've awoken, I've been waiting for," He pondered this, "about ten minutes, and it has been terribly agonizing."

"Get out."

He didn't even spare me a glance as he threw the wedding ring up in the air, and caught it, "No."



I stared at him for a long moment. As annoyed as I was with him, I couldn't help but noticed -and be relieved- at how he was definitely back to his normal self. The medication he took yesterday must had worn off, because right now, he was as insufferable as ever.

"What are you even doing in here?" I ask him, as I try to kick him away, but he just inched away from me.

"Can't I lay in bed with my wife?"

I narrowed, "No."

"Fine." He sighed, showing to hint of grief that I didn't want to be anywhere near him, "I'm actually here because there are a few corporate men waiting downstairs in the entryway."

I gazed at him, "That's not exactly a reason to be climbing in my bed."

He raised a finger, "Technically this isn't your bed; your bed is my bed in our bedroom."

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