Chapter Seventeen

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i'm amused

Chapter Seventeen

Inanis did, in fact, get bored of the puppy.  

It hasn't been even a full twenty-four hours since he bought it, and yet, he already forgot to feed it this morning, leaving me to tend to it.

Not that I minded at all.

I sat on my bed, well, the guest bed that I claimed, whilst brushing my hair. Leech, -though I highly disagreed with the name, I already found myself used to calling it that- was sleeping soundly beside me, huddled between two pillows.

I admit, I have fallen completely in love with the little creature.

I eventually climbed under the heavy blankets of the bed, allowing the puppy to sleep against my chest.

I'd never tell him, but this may be the best mistake Inanis has ever made.

I fell asleep almost immediately. It had been a long while since I was as comforted as I was with Leech beside me. It was a welcoming surprise.

I didn't dream, I had no nightmares whatsoever, and that was a relief. It had been a while since I could sleep without interruption.

Yet, when I woke up, Leech was gone.

I sat up in the bed, and frantically looked around the room. "Leech?" I called its name, despite it not knowing that that was its name.

I noticed the door was open slightly, even though I knew I had made sure to not only close it but lock the door before I fell asleep.

Someone picked my lock.

I frowned at that 'someone' as I threw the blankets off walked out of the room. Inanis's house, which I suppose is technically both of our house, was still something I wasn't too familiar with. The multitude of rooms still confused me as I walked down the marble stairs. I noticed a maid who was watering a plant with a glass pitcher of water. I walked up to her, hoping not to scare her.

"Excuse me?" I asked her, and she turned to me. "Have you seen Inanis around?"

She nodded and pointed in the direction of the living room.

I smiled, "Thank you." The moment I turned away from her, my smile melted to the epitome of rage. I was going to kill him if he hurt my dog. Or maybe I'd break every bone in his body and keep him alive to suffer in his own misery.

Yeah, I liked that idea.

I stomped into the large, overly-luxurious (so luxurious is was more arrogant than anything) living room, as my eyes locked right on my target.

Inanis was laying on the couch with his head resting on one arm. With his other hand, he was playing with Leech, who was laying on Inanis's chest.

He didn't even bother to look up at me, "Look what I taught him." He said, as he stuck his fingers in front of the dog, only for it to attack them in a way that would be dangerous if the creature was any larger.

"Did you pick the lock to my bedroom?" I accused him, as I walked over to Leech and picked him up, off Inanis's chest. I needed to keep a better eye on him or else he was going to become a dangerous animal.

Inanis sat up himself, "Once again, it's not your bedroom, your bedroom is my bedroom."

"You know what I mean."

"No, I don't because it's not your bedroom."

"Inanis I swear to god it's too early for your bullsh-"

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