Chapter Thirty-One

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Apologies for the short chapter, I have been terribly busy focusing on a few of my older stories and trying to finish them, but I didn't want to leave you guys waiting for another update :) Next chapter will be much longer. <3

Chapter Thirty-One 

I ran up to my father and wrapped my arms around him as though he was the last person on earth. He copied my movements as his arms pulled around me, engulfing me into his chest.

"Hello sweetheart." He said, and I winced at the worry in his tone. He clearly was worried about me all this time, and I hadn't even thought to attempt to reach out to him and tell him I'm aright.

Especially after yesterday's killing.

God, I'm a terrible daughter.

I finally pulled back from him, looking him in the eyes. I saw so much of myself in him but not nearly enough. My father, my best friend. "Why are you here?" I ask, and that is when Inanis's mother clears her throat. I nearly forgot about them being here as my father and I turn our heads to look both at my husband and his mother, staring at us as if hugging a loved one was such an odd thing to do.

Inanis finally speaks up because no one else does, "Well, as touching as this all has been, I'm truly curious as to why the two of you ancient bodies have woke me of my much-needed slumber." He glances at me for a split second, a grin disappearing from his lips as quickly as it appeared. I believe I was the only one to see it.

I lost the fight to not roll my eyes.

"Actually," My father spoke, "It's because I reached out to Cassandra." My father pointed to Inanis's mother. Cassandra, was that her name? I've known her for months but have never bothered to ask her name.

Part of me feels as though giving her a name only shows she's a human being just like me, and I don't like that.

"I wanted to see you." He continued, "You have a whole month, Mirea. A whole month before you have to get back out on that damned stage, so, I figured for a few weeks you can come back and live with me now." He shot a glance at Inanis, "You two are married now, the public has toned down on your fresh promises, nobody will notice."

I stare at him, wide-eyed and my mouth gaping open, "I can go back home?"

"For a few weeks." Inanis's mother piped, "Don't think this will be an occurring thing, stupid girl."

"I don't understand." I shake my head, "How did you get her to say yes?"

He gave me a small smile, "I'm a businessman above all else." He says matter-of-factly, "Negotiating is profession."

"Yes, but how?"

He glanced from Inanis to Cassandra, then back to me, "I'll tell you later."

"Now hold on." Inanis spoke, reminding me that he was still here. I turned to my husband, knowing it wasn't up to anyone but him. I wasn't going to be able to step foot out of the door if he did not allow it.

Still, I had a full argument ready to spill from my lips. I wanted to go. He had to let me go, but-

Our eyes locked and the argument that begged to come out suddenly shriveled up like nothing.

Arguing would do no good, not with him.

Instead, the words spilled out before I could think twice about them, "Come with me."

"What?" My father said, he put his hand on my shoulder, "Mirea-"

Before my father could continue, Inanis stopped him, "I can't go, you know that." I did know that, he always had something to do, he was the Bone Cutter after all.

But him not being able to go, meant I wouldn't be able to go.

"Please," I beg him, because that is the only thing I can think to do, "Please make time to go."


"No." His mother interjected "Vita's time is a precious thing, to waste moments of his life tending to what you want is a crime."

I felt my blood begin to boil at her words, "Fine." I glare at Inanis, "Then let me go. If you are so busy, you'll be able to let me go for one week, it doesn't even have to be longer than that."

"Mr. Messor." My father pleaded, "Allow me to see my daughter, it has been months."

"Are you mentally challenged?" Inanis questions my father, taking a sudden step forward, making both me and my father wince. "Or are you just stupid? Because of you daughter, you get to see the sun come up every goddamn morning, is that not enough? Did you think my marriage to your daughter meant you could take her from me whenever you please? Months is nothing, you should have expected to never speak to her again."

"Vita," His mother hisses, "Let the stupid girl go, you need to focus on your career, not an ungrateful rat."

Inanis turns to me, "Ungrateful rat? Is that what you are, wife? My ungrateful rat?"

"Inanis." I begin but stop when he lifts his hand up to quiet me.

"No," He says, "I don't want to hear your pathetic begging." He cocks his head, "If you want to leave, then fucking leave." He leans down until our eyes were leveled, his voice low, threatening, "But if you are not back in one week, I will hunt you down, and slaughter your father just as I should have done on stage. I will tie you up and force you to watch, do you understand, rat?"

I swallowed; he has never spoken to me in such a cruel tone. Most the time he is playful, he jokes about everything because nothing is serious to him.

Now was quite different.

"I understand." I say, because I don't feel like pissing him off even more.

He takes a breath, stands tall yet again, and waves us off, "Now all of you get the fuck out of my home." We all watch him as he begins to walk back up the stairs, leaving us without another word.

My excitement is too much to bear, I decide not to dwell on what just happened. I'll deal with it later.

I spin around to face my father, "Allow me to get dressed quickly, I'll be down in one moment." I dash up the stairs to the guest bedroom where I grab the first clean outfit I could find.

Once I'm finished getting dressed, Leech begins to jump up on my legs, wagging his tail ferociously as he knows I'm terribly excited, which only makes him excited. I know Inanis won't take care of Leech while I'm gone, so I grab a piece of paper and a pen, and quickly write "Please take care of the dog whilst I'm gone." I walk over to the bed and place the paper on it, knowing a housemaid will get it in the morning.

Exiting the guest bedroom, I see Inanis opening the door to our bedroom. I walk over to him, not sure why. "Thank you," I tell him, "For letting me go." I know he's angry, and I expect a cruel response in return.

He glances at me over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing, "Mirea," He says, and I cringe back by the use of my name on his lips, "Had we not gotten married I would tell you to never come back." And to that he walks into the bedroom and slams the door behind him.

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