Chapter Thirty-Four

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I have written this chapter four times and I'm still not happy with it and I want to die but it's fine, I'm posting it because I want to give you guys an update before I lose my mind

also it's super long so i hope that makes up for not updating in so long :(

Chapter Thirty-Four  

I ignored my father's pleading all the way to the airport. I kissed him goodbye and didn't look back at him as I boarded my flight and sat impatiently the entire time as I flew across the country to get back to the unstable murderer that I live with. 

I stared out the plane's window, lost in thought. I kept thinking about my father, and how seeing him had been the most exciting to ever happen to me, only for me to leave him two days later to go back home.

I don't know the next time I'll see him, or when Inanis would ever let me again, and yet, that wasn't what bothered me the most.

What bothered me the most is that despite all of that, I don't regret boarding this plane, and I don't regret leaving my father instead of waiting out the next five days.

I had to be honest with myself, and accept the realization that I the first day with my father was great, but after that I had begun to feel lost. Perhaps that was my brewing fear of leaving Inanis alone to do whatever he wants, or maybe that was simply because Inanis brings an excitement in my life that I couldn't explain.

Either of those possibilities were alarming, but, unfortunately, not surprising, at least not anymore

I don't like Inanis, but I also can't seem to think clearly unless I'm beside him. It's an odd revelation, an uncomfortable one, but again, not surprising.

He has a way of making you depend on him for the littlest of things, I hate it, but I also find it almost amusing. As arrogant as he is, he has no idea the affect he has on me. I wasn't entirely aware of it fully myself.

All I know is that seeing him act irrational on the television revived my confusing desire to stand beside him and scold him for doing nothing but breathing.

When the plane landed, and Washington D.C. was sitting before me, I felt as though I could finally exhale. Oregon will always be my favorite place on Earth, but something about D.C. opened my chest like nothing else.

I had already thought about how dangerous it was to be in D.C. alone without any guards. Oregon was more secluded, and my father's guards and security team were not nearly as good as Inanis's, but they were decent enough. Here in D.C. on the other hand, is swarming with politicians and those who dedicated themselves to The Bone Cutter, whether that meant by admiration, or pure hatred. To be by myself here would be suicide.

Knowing I'd get recognized, I already called one of Inanis's driver's and a pack of security guards to be here when I arrive, and to my relief, right as I got off the plane, there they were, waiting for me.

I threatened them not to tell Inanis. The last thing I wanted was him to know I was here right now.

"Thank you for coming." I say to none of the guards in particular.

"Will you be returning to the estate?" A darker skinned guard says, and I think about it for a moment.

"Is Inanis at home?"

"Mr. Messor is at home with a few guests."

I frown, the last thing I wanted was to go back home to see people I wasn't familiar with.

"Who?" I ask.

"I believe it is a New York lawyer, and his wife."

I narrow my eyes, "Why is Inanis guesting a lawyer?"

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