Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"This is boring."

"Just sit still."  

"Why did we come all this way to just sit?"

"Because that's what normal people do, and because I suggested other things, and you refused them." I took a drink from the coffee I had ordered. I made sure Inanis had decaf, the last thing I wanted was an already hyper active man get fueled with caffeine.

The world would quake.

He took several deep breaths, and leaned back in his seat, "I hate this."

"Then leave, dumbass."

He stared at me for a moment, and then sat up, and leaned towards me over the table, "Or we can play a game."

"Absolutely not."

He sighed a loud, overdramatic sigh, which made me clench the cup of coffee in my hands a bit too hard. It was as if the more time I spent with him, the less I cared about who he was, and the more I hated him for his childish ways. I never expected him to act like a husband, but I never imagined my marriage to Inanis to resemble that of a mother and her manchild. "Sigh like that one more time and I will scald you with my drink."

"That sounds like fun."

"Trust me, it won't be."

His eyes traveled to a young couple who sat at the table beside ours. They kept glancing over at Inanis and pretended as if they had no idea who he was.

They knew exactly who he was. In fact, I noticed everyone in the room steal glances at Inanis and I. They all knew.

I wondered if they were excited to be in the same building as him or petrified.

"You know." Inanis finally said, as he laid even further back in his seat, "I haven't been out in public like this since I was a child." His voice lowered, "I can't help but wonder how many of these people would be one of my toys if they ever got into politics." He pointed to a very attractive waitress who was serving an elderly man across the room, "She looks like fun, I bet she bleeds beautifully. I wonder if her organs are just as pretty as her face is. Do you suppose I should go over and find out?"

"I know what you're doing." I tell him, taking another drink, "You're trying to make me uncomfortable, so I'll leave."

"Is it working?"

"Not at all."

He frowned, and shifted uncomfortably, "I'm beginning to question if this was a mistake."

"Why did you even suggest to go somewhere with me in the first place? I thought you made it clear we could be separate when the cameras weren't watching."

Inanis refused to look at me, as he waved his hand, "Your words are boring me, let's go for a walk."

"That didn't sound like an answer."

"That's because I didn't give you one." He stood, "Let's go, I'm getting terribly uninterested with these insipid walls."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me up despite my protests. We left the Café, I noticed Inanis's guards stationed all around the Café, up and down the street disguised as citizens. Inanis will always have a target on his back, I have no doubt someone out there is stupid enough to try and hurt him. Seeing how I'm now his wife, that target extended to me as well.

I tried not to think about it.

"It's a gorgeous day for mischief." He said, taking a deep breath, "What do you suppose we should do as newlyweds? Steal a child? Burn a business? Kill a man?"

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